Friday, December 30, 2016

This BLOG has no Title

Realizing to day that it has been a while since we chatted,,,, actually I had a holiday post that was still in draft - thought I published that one,,, ahh too late now to be a prick for the Holidays...

hummmm where to start ,,,  let's go with the positive,,

We had a great trip to Disney world with most of the FAM and the 2 little kids,, they are the best,,, don't know what they will remember years from now,, but I will remember them,,,    Maybe try another trip in 2 or 3 years,,,, we will see If I am still alive ,,, IF not ,,  hope they will go anyway,,, shhhh  Probably NOT,

Recent Christmas was very good ,,,, again it's that  the Children get what they want ,,, and are pleased with the gifts,,,which I think they were,,,  both still lovin the Millennium Falcon tha that their aunt bought,, and walking around humming the Imperial March,,

Recently stunned and amazed what passes for the influence of GOD on some people lives,, While I am not what YOU would call "religious " I am spiritual,,, This is where these folks scare the shit out of me,,,,  one uses that GOD belief to further his ministry through the sale of things related to that belief , thereby filling their pockets with pieces of Gold,,,   maybe remember that this Jesus Christ that you are selling to others....was a man with no possessions,,,and the book that you refer to says in Luke 12:15 “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” 1 Corinthians 6:10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." Just saying,,,, and then there is another that thinks that their God intervened in their life by taking the life of another so they did not have to Share Money with them,,, I am simply speechless over that one ...........  We need to remember that while some are thinking that the Muslims are to fear,,, Christians have probably done equal damage to this county thru Killing doctors that perform abortions, and bombing planned Parenthood,,, Tim Mcvea bombed Oklahoma city for similar reasons,,, White supremacists , the Atlanta Centennial park Bombing, was praised by the Covenant , the sword and the Arm of the Lord,,, so just be aware of that those who call the same GOD you (we) do may also act in a distinctly NON god manor

We are sanctioning the Russian government for interfering in our election process - and they will dispel our diplomats also,,,  and the President elect says "move on,,,"  I implore you to continue to think and say that what you are seeing , hearing and will over the next 4 year will NOT BE normal,,, Keep vigilant,,,,  I Continue to to believe that  this presidency may be the end of our Country as we know it ,,, I can only hope that we DO not have  nuclear war,,, we do not politically / financially offend our allies around the world,,,we have semblance of Democracy when we come out of these 4 years.  I now know what people meant when they said "Not my President"  cause this Narcissistic Asshole is NOT MINE ...

Looking forward to the new year,,, NOT resolutions

- New Glasses - not too sexy a resolution,,,but I do need to see,
- I phone 7 Plus,,, sooner than later,,
- getting back to some shape,,, might never run another Marathon,, but I don't need to feel like this
- NYC bike TOUR - among others,,,
- Seriously investigate buying a 2nd home - Vermont , NH, Maine,,, somewhere COLD !
- Living to the end of the year - (Not kidding maybe that should be 1st)
- I have several "improvement " projects on the horizon - a new bath for one,,, Finish the Playroom for another, re do my Kitchen (HA - not for $70k !!) Maybe a new Foyer if I can figure out how to use a cantilever for the floor,,,

Let's Talk music in 2016,,,, some great music,,, a few of my favs,,,
Adele -- Water Under The Bridge, 
Avett Brothers and True Sadness,  
Big Head Todd and the Monsters - Wipeout turn, 
Amos Lee - Vaporize, 
Decemberisst - why would I now ? , 
Head and the Heart - All we ever Know, 
Kula Shaker and Let Love be, 
Kurt Vile and Pretty Pimpin, 
Lumineers - Cleopatra or Ophelia, 
Michael Franti - Crazy for you and Its good to be alive today,  
Nathaniel Radcliff and the Night Sweats - Son of a Bitch, 
Rolling Stones - the entire BLue and Lonesome CD, 
Tedeschi Trucks Band -- Let Me Get By , 
 and MY FAVORITE is BOB Weir and ONLY A RIVER - Video inserted below - Guarantee you will enjoy it !

Don't recognize these songs,,, might wanna tune away from top 40 BS radio and try our  RADIOWOODSTOCK, WDST 100.1  ,,,,, never know what you are gonna hear or might just like,  even make a suggestion for the Lunch Lounge,, at Noon every Mon - Fri,,, excellent DJ's from Jimmy Buff, to MK then Greg Gattine in the afternoon,,,, and they stream to the internet ,, so No excuse of you don't live near by,,,

Listen,, thats all for now - go back to your life ,, and see you in while,, hey - go see ROGUE ONE it was very good,,, and BY May 26 is the new Pirates of Caribbean movie,,,so there is that to look forward to,,, I am going to leave you with Bob Wier....

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Welcome to the GREAT White North 'eh

Time to start looking for real estate North of the border,,,,  at least the latest news polls would have you believe that we are on the verge of a great comeback by the GOP ,,, that started last Friday with the FBO over stepping its bounds and announcing a re opening of the probe in the Clinton Email deal without any real knowledge if or what ever they were going to find - IF any thing

I have always thought that you respected the office of the president  even of you did not like to current holder of the title,, however ,, this time it's vastly different - I hate Donald Trump.  I cannot accept that he will be the PREsident,, I might not even go to the Hall of Presidents after this - to have to hear his name mentioned among the others...  You know that I will not sleep a wink tuesday night until I know who the winner is,, I can only hope that RRump comes out with some totally asinine statement that embroils the country and sends his campaign spinning ...

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

WTF would this look like

A week that is,,,,  This time next week ,, we will have Fallen Back,, - our Clocks that is,,, not sure why we do this,,, energy Savings I guess,,, but at any rate ,,, it will be dark at 5Pm and light a little earlier in the morning,,,,

I just hope we don;t fall  DOWN . You will be heading out to Vote today ,,,, and I am sure that you know how important this particular election is,,,   I really think it will shape our nation for a decade or More,,,,  As you might know - HA - I believe that a Rump presidency could be a disaster for our County,... Let's look at that for a minute if I may..Thanks to Mathew Rodriguez for some of this content,,,

The RUMP WALL - Not going to be built as advertised, forget who is paying for it,,,, one small issue is that Americans own the land he wants to build hi wall on and many have said that there is no wall getting built on their land,,, That alone could mean a court fight for years,,, so maybe have some wall and mostly fences that exist today,,,

Freedom of the Press goes BYE BYE - incase you have not noticed Rump HATEs anyone in the press that disagrees with his views - Ya Donny , this is not a business where everyone laughs at your jokes cause you are the boss,,So get ready for selective press conferences and the Banning of Reporters from Media events - that is happening now,,,  so of course it will continue,,

Like the 2nd Amendment ? you are in luck cause the NRA has given big Money to the RUMP ,, and will expect payback,, No ban on assault rifles, no closing off the BUY loophole for guns shows, - There can be a right to bear arms,, but with some intelligent limitations, I will be applying for my carry permit,, so I agree with that part,,, but hey ,, 2nd amendment people ,,,when you give me the "Right to bear Arms" quote,, how about say all of it,,,A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  don't forget the Militia part !

Looking for a Women's right to chose - of ye,, that's a LAW too,, forget it Planned Parenthood will be defunded - thats the 21st  century word for Fucked ! and Out of Business....  You won't be getting Breast cancer, and cervical cancer screening , and forget an abortion - Not at PPH 

are you a minority - or a Rump defined Minority, - get ready for more abuse. I 10000% agree that we support Police - they have an impossible job to do and we have asked Law enforcement to solve our cities and community problems, that no one can solve,, but if you are one of those minority folks -  listen to what Rump said "give power back to the police" because of "rampant" crime. " 

Minimum wage - Ha - you can get the stone tablets out cause he ain't changing that- remember he and his Billionaire buddies hire these folks,, why the hell do they wanna pay them more money !?!?! 

Climate change run AMOK - he think what's happening is made up by the press - and is  hoax ! he is what he says "Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations."

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act,, without  a new system in place,, will leave millions with no coverage - and Rump is anti VAX - hope you liked the measles....  

Political correctness - or being decent person  - ITs' not being PC it's calling people what you think they should be called,,,  and forget what is right....

Marriage equality - GONE,  

I could go on and on,,,  I get sick just thinking about it,,,,  He says he is so tough on everything,,, will be hard on our enemies,,ya - tough  as long as Meagen Kelly and a Senior Citizen Muslim are not in the group cause those people he can't handle. 

YOU will be in Voting booth alone,,, you can keep up the appearance of Support for Rump - but Pease for all of us , your family , your Children and grandchildren - DO NOT Pull the Level with Rumps name on it !!

AND now ,, THIS..

Thursday, October 27, 2016

I would agree to disagree

We have lost the ability oto respectfully disagree with each other,,,  It used to be that you would listen to others statement and arguments, and agree to disagree... Not anymore,, and I am not sure when this started but it has reached an Apex of Epic proportion..

I listened the other night to 4 people on with Don Lemon  on CNN all talking at once, no one listening to the other,  nope just talking right over each other,, this is a learned skill, try it some time,,, and see if you don't find your self stopping talking,, but not these trained professionals. Of Course it was political,,, but it was angry  these folks were angry with each other or at least with the opposite siders.....  Guarantee no one is changing anyone s mind ...  I think it probably similar to should we Declare Independance from England ? or NOT... Can the Nation survive 1/2 slave and 1/2 free ??
Roe V Wade.. Creationists .vs Evolution ? Jews .vs Christians .vs Muslims ,  Democrat vs  Republican....   you get my point. some things seem so clear this many years later. I wonder if we  will have the advantage of looking back and seeing what might have been and what was,,,

I am more concerns today as to the outcome of the election... not the outcome per Se,,, I think Hillary will win.  What will the backlash be ? will Rump concede the election ?? Will his rhetoric be that of violence, and  uprisings ? Will that be the tone post election day? this is guy who is not used to losing,,, even in Losing billions he WINS,, everyone laughs at his jokes  - he is the Boss after all,,,What will this embarassment be - on a National scale none the less..  We see and hear his rhetoric when someone challenges  him,,, how will he react when its for real - he loses to Hillary ,,,  and has to admit he was beaten...  I said months ago I could not see one conceding to the other..  Less than two weeks will tell..

i will relate a study in human behavior that came from my recent Jury Duty,,, but this i noting to do with the Case,,,

Friday afternoon we the prospective Jurors show up in the JURY pre room at 1:15,,, I am a few minutes early - I walk in ,, there are 4 folks or so at the chairs and each has a clip board and form that they are filling out,,, no one looks up... hey i can follow the lead,,, I take a clip board from the table - oh BTW - there is no one at the Desks that are spose to be there telling us what the heck to do,,,, each is now doing it on his or her own.... as each new person walks in they look around,, no one says a word to them,, but each - some quickly  - some not so much - but each has a clip board and a form filled out,,,, without being told to do anything,,,, or knowing any thing.   the Juror lady shows up,,, at 1:30 - starts to give us the JUROR talk ,,,, and then notices that we all have these clipboards and Forms,,, she says,,, umm,,,  "has everyone filled out these forms ?""  YES we all chime,,, ahem,,, well of the 30 of you 12 are going to the CIVIL trial and 18 to the Criminal Trial.....   in the Civil trial  the attorneys will use the Form to help select the Jury ,,, but in the Criminal trial - No forms,,, in fact ,, I am take them all from you before you walk into the Court room,,, and VIOLA - that is exactly what happened.. 18 of us played follow the leader for nothing,,, but a very interesting study in human behavior,,, no one wanted to be the one without a completed form !!  TOO Funny,,,

Let us end here - and good bye for now - with a  video - Ill give you Heaven ,,,

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Do you think it's possible that Rump  is TRYING to lose the election ???

Let's look at this sorta seriously a minute,,,

- Coming out of the GOP convention it was at worst an even race between Rump and Hillary... and many polls showed Rump with an edge in many of what were the "Batttle-Ground" states...

Since then,,, and in no particular Chronological Order..

Rump has arguably LOST 3 debates,,, did not prepare for the 1st one as a person that is a Big League narcissist would do ,   Was Ok in the 2nd Debate  but after an even start to the 3rd and Final time he will have the head to head opportunity to debate Hillary,,, he takes the bait again,,,  interrupting her,,, with WRONG,, and when she says he's a puppet for Putin,, he chimes in No puppet,,, you are the puppet (Hello =Peewee Herman - I know you are but what am I defense) and then in the Bombshell of the night says that he will let us Know if he will accept the out come of the election,,, Keep us in suspense I think was the quote,,, this from a question he had to know was coming, !!  and hell - he lies and bullshits about everything,, why not say YES .. I will accept , like this campaign manager and VP candidate said that very day,,,even if he did not mean it !!  

He has insulted and then doubled down on Hispanics - especially Mexicans- Insulted Women, Handicapped,  THE TAPE killed him,,, and then 10 - that's my count - women have come forward to say that they we assaulted by Rump...  ALL Liars,,, ??  really - and its the Democrats that are behind this "conspiracy"   one one hand they have no idea what they are doing - he uses horrible and on the other they have constructed this intricate conspiracy involving all these women and news media, and FBI,,,, come on can't have this both ways... 

Does not release the TAX return - leaves us to speculate what s there,, 

Suggests Hillary could have done something to prevent him from claiming a BILLION dollar loss in business that he utilizes over decades to pay no taxes - calling it SMART. Says Hillary in 30 years could have  stopped him from using Foreign Steel in his buildings, Undocumented workers in his Hotels,...   She could have??   not the past presidents, not the Full congress,, Hillary - Whoa,, did she have that much power at any time...

He has continued to Lie about things that we have seen video tape of him says ing exactly the opposite,, and seriously - he could have said, hey I changed my mind,,,  the circumstances changes and so did my opinion of them,,,, but NO,,, he continues to say that he never said these things, and we see and hear in past interviews that he DID say them,,

AND  lately - RIGGED - is his theme,,,,   Let;'s look at FACTS,,,,  from 2000 to 2012 - that's FOUP presidential elections,,, there have been 159 cases of proven Voter Fraud -  hummmm how many voters were cast in those 4 elections >???  Let's use 110 Million votes per election - 2000 was closer to 100 million, and 2012 120 million,,,  so 110 Million per Presidential election,,,  and I'll tell you what  Ill use the Rump number of 300 cases of Voter Fraud,,  so 110 x 4 elections,,, = 440 Million votes,,,, and 300 Were fraud, so 300 / 440,000,000 = .000068% - that's Wide Spread ??   I don' t think so,,, and  even if you believe that all 300 cases voted for the same candidate,,,, It's a laughable argument - RIGGED,,,,  it's sounds more like a  KID that loses a game and tries to convince them selves and the other 8 year olds that they must have cheated to WIN ! BULLSHIT ..... I am not that smart and I said from months ago that Rump would never concede the loss to Hillary,,, and how dangerous that is for our Country and the Democratic process,,,,,  Even in close elections,,, Nixon / Kennedy in 1960 - Nixon said that it was important the the country see a definitive transfer of Power and he conceded the election..  Even Gore - after the mandatory recount by FLorida law took place and the Challenge of BUSH (yea everyone forgets that) to the Supreme court  (GORE won the popular vote by ~500 thousand and Bush the Electoral College by 5 ) Gore told his Party to "StandDown" and conceded the Election to Bush,,,  But Rump says he will keep us in suspense, What a Jerk !

All this .. and I put to you that it is at the very least somewhat intentional,,,  you can't keep trying to win when you are dropping easy fly balls,,, getting picked off the bases and swings at pitches over your head......  

We  have 16 days and 18 hours left till election day,,, and very shortly after that Hillary will be know as the President Elect,, and word that has never been used will be ,,"Madam" President.  

as always I'll give you some unrelated Music to pass the time,,,, 

Have I used this one before ?

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Disgusting - and then you call yourself....

I have lost all faith in Humanity,,,  I now see Christians,,,  God Believers , those that are preaching to me,,, and yes at times making me feel bad like there is something wrong with me that I  don't have that kinda Faith. ,... yup ,those folks that should be finding Rump's treatment of Muslims, Mexicans, Women, the Handicapped,,and all others deplorable,,, those "Christians" are now swimmin in that shit with the RUMP. And Why you ask,,  ?  Because of one thing,,,  that a portion of the 14th Amendment  dealing with privacy covered a women's right to abortion....and that they think the next president will be appointing several Supreme court justices that will support Women's rights and that's  WHY  - THAT's WHY !

There is no good reason  - no reason - for Embracing a Monster .....  You cannot justify endorsing him and then citing that we need to pray for our country.   Give me a Break,....    We need to pray for the country , but we don't need this guy .  AND I continue to say that he is  danger to the country, he is a menace to women, His is an out and out BIGOT ,, he is a Bullshit artist.  and I am not even going into all those reasons again..

TOP 10 - really first ten,, I can think of why NOT to vote for RUMP.
1. Few Actual Policies - "Believe me" and Many people tell me" are NOT Policies 
2. Ignorance About Government - Can he even spell foreign policy ?
3. Inconsistency - Changes his mind on many issues
4. Overconfidence - ONLY I can fix America - F.U.
5. Loose With Facts-  Liar and Bullshitter
6. Bad Friends - praises Putin , refuses to denounce David Duke - he's the KKK guy if you dunno
7. Bigotry - Nuff said
8. Draft Dodger - Several  deferments, and Heel spurs that have disappeared with time,
9. Business Failures - Lost nearly a Billion dollars in one year 

10. Poor Example for Children - which of YOUR children do you want to grow up to be like him ?

BTW - Now he think Hillary is taking drugs ? seriously suggesting drug tests -WTF next ?? Hey Hillary ,,, tell Rump  - you releases those TAX returns,, and you can do all the dug tests ya want !  Oh and now what I said about him talking Rigged Elections (like we are some 3rd World  country) and Dishonest media is the reason that he will lose  - Not his behavior ,, or policies,,, Give me a f'ing break. and I will re-state in case you did not get it ,, this Rigged election talk is dangerous to our Democracy... 

Let me leave you with some humor - ICE -T at the Lemonade Stand...


Friday, October 14, 2016

And now ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This

Just at a time when you thought that it could not get worse,,,, Or better depending on your particlar Brand of vodka,,, This happens.....

and let me say first how terrible all this must be to Women that have been actually Sexually assaulted, to have the whole issue displayed as if  in the Center ring in Barnum and Baily's circus

a Video of a prospective Commander and Chief talking about grabbing a Women's genitals, and being allowed to do that because as he is quoted is a star ....  he and his minions run around furiously saying this was years ago,,, he has promoted women to high positions in his companies and he he respects women,,, well as long as you are not one he has not publicly humiliated  fro gaining weight, not living up to his physical appearance standards, or called pigs, cows, etc,, he respects all of the other ones,,, as any good presidential candidate certainly world..

when pressed about the Tape by Anderson Cooper - he said  "no he had never done that" and it was Locker room talk,,,  despite many pro athletes coming out and saying that  they don't talk like that and have not heard that sort of talk in any locker room,,  and now several women after hearing his denial to AC... have come out with "stories " that they have been molested by Trump,,,   Geez - the nerve of these women , smearing what up to now has been a pristine record on the part of the GOP candidate,... he Should SUE them - especially the New York Times to retract the Story,,, with all those Lies in it,... he won't though,,, as that would open him up in a Court proceeding to Discovery on the Part of the NYT,,,, on what ever else they can find on him,,,, because BTW ,, these women brought the story to the TIMES not the other way around,,, and its all a conspiracy by the Democrats to  discredit him,.... Sure got them to forget that he still has not released that Tax return !!  AND AND these happened Decades ago,, so should be swept aside,,, not like that stunt before the last debate of Women - rightly or Wrongly - accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct,,, that happened ,,, oh Wait - DECADES ago,,,,, and in case you missed the name - ITS HILLARY on the ticket Not Bill ! Dumb Ass..

Two quick points

- One Rump Apologist minion,,,, went down the road that Bill C settled several of these incidents - without any proceeding of Guilt - by paying off the Law suit, and that alone - according tot he Rump spokeman was admission of guilt,,, until I think it was Don Lemon as them if that meant that the discrimination lawsuits the rump settled by Paying them off was an admission of Guilt and hummm they could not come up with any answer ,,,,

- the other Rump spokesman - said that the Groping incident on the airplane could not have taken place because of the design of the Airplane seats in a DC 10 or L10 - 11 that they would have been flying,,,  Seriously - that's the Defense,,,a person that does not look old enough to remember DC10's let alone is now the EXPERT in air line Seat Arm rest design,,, and what could or could not be done,,,,

Silver Lining portion,,,,, Hillary now leads by nearly 10 points across the Country,,, and is leading in nearly every what they call Battle-gound state.....    I think - although easy won;t be the word - that she will win a decisive victory 26 days from now,,,, the next Debate should be very interesting,,,,  I think they will ask Hillary to Smile less,,, stick to the Issues,,, let the Moderator - Chris Wallace - ask the tough questions,,, and Let Rump did a hole for himself,,,,

I can't wait to see what happens next, !!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Charlie Cheswick

As McMurphy stated so eloquently "What do you guys think you are Crazy or something ? Well you are not,,, you're not,, you are no crazier than the average asshole walking around on the streets these days,,,"

Still here,,,, still alone,,, it's quiet sorta ,,,,  well not in my head ,as you know my  tinnitus never takes time off,,, you always here that whistling,,,   but no words,,, no ,,, words.  What is the answer to be> What the Fucking questions ?  OR are there lots of Questions ?

Have you seen True Detective?   the First season....  When the 2 detectives are interviewing  Rusten Chole,,, and they think he is involved in the latesst killings,,, and they start to say ,, what we wanna know is ,,, and he says,,, How can it be him  ? if we got him back in 95 ? How in deed detectives? - and they say  - Were hoping that you could anser that question . . Rust closes the folder with the dead girls pictures, and closes his Flask, and says - then start asking the right fuckin Questions.

Work, Retire, Rent, Buy, Leave, stay, Vacation , where exactly?  and Vaction from What ? exactly ,,
Heck,,I think if you wait long enough someone else or SomeTHING else decides for you,,

 I am a person of Data,,, and letting that data make the decision. Falling back on my interpretation of that data,,, and questioning the DATA.  ah - ha,,, let;s see how far that gets you in this case,,,  I believe that I should quit,,,  get on with the rest of my life so to speak,,, we have about enough money to stave to death in like 15 years,,, no prospect of any lost relative leaving me a million to fall back on and help me out,,, shit - my family cost me money,,, not the other way round - no accountancy though - that's  just fine, better to earn the coin that falls through your fingers than to be livin off someone else's Dough-REY- ME,,,,, HA,,,

"Wise up, folks. We're all alone out there and tomorrow we're going out there again. "  Extra early tomorrow,,,   yep - the night team needs to come back for a manager training session at 2pm,,,so they can get some sleep, Ill try to get there at 4am. Back to the Employment that they pay me very handsomely for. Ahh what the hell,,, 

I'll give you a great new song  - the video is No video - just the music - Its Bob Weir of Grateful Dead fame, and his latest from a CD called Blue Mountain,  and Only a River...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Give it one week,,,,,

I can't wait to see what happens Next monday night,,,  Rump and Hillary ,,,

Can you see this,,, The Bullshitter .vs the Next President. while I am unsure what REAL difference it will make,,, I have to think that most folks have already made up their minds as to who they are voing for, and nothing short of Rump actually punching  her in the face would dissuade the GOPS voters from voting for him. Although I will state again,, I do NOT understand how Rump got here,,,  Politically incorrect ??  That's not the half of it,,,  Mocking a handicapped reporter, verbally assaulting the PArents of a Man killed in defense of this country, Suggesting - TWICE -  violence against his opponent....  but I digress,,,

While in the past Debates have been used to discuss - Economics, Education, Healthcare, Foreign policy,  Domestic Policy.  Can you see much of that happening next monday,,,  - No ? neither do I .
Rump will be himself, making grandiose statements about how terrific he is,,, how much better things will be - blah blah blah,,, and how awful Hillary is ,,,  I expect this unless she can get under his skin.. get him a little off his scripted remarks,,, Get him emotional. Even the Rump people have to be concerned that they are going up against a person that has been down a bit of this road before.  That will be extremely well prepared for these debates,.. that has a strategy that will get Dumb ass Don off his game. Asking about his tax statements, that the results of his Physical.  Foreign policy,  who except for him and other millionaires who his tax plan benefits ... So I can't wait to see and hear it... Lets see if the News moderators can keep even some control over the Debate.

I will be reporting back to tell you what I  thought..

ERASSAM - thats Massacre in reverse

So the modern Baseball era saw the Boston Massacre in 1978,,,, The bosox had a lead of like 14 games in August,, but had a meltdown from then to the end of the year. the Yankees went into Fenway for a four game series right after Labor Day,,,, the Sox had a 4 game lead when the series started....  by the time the Yanks left Boston they had won all 4 games,,, and the AL East was Tied - the Yankees went on to win the  East  in a one game playoff .vs those same Redsox,,, that was the Bucky Dent Home run game,,,  yea,,, I know the SOX fans insert a Middle name in between the Buck and the Dent,,, they then won the AL Pennant against the Royals, and then the World Series .vs the Dodgers,,,,

Well - while not quite that dramatic - this weekend literally wiped out Any small hope the Yankees had of winning - forget the AL east - but maybe they had a shot at a Wildcard spot,,,, now they are many games back with 4 or 5 teams to leap over - NOT HAPPENING !!

Ill leave you with a better days video,,, and Bill White saying "DEEP TO LEFT !!"

Monday, September 5, 2016

THE Y and the Y KNOT

Upfront apologies for the long post, I'll give you an Video at the Bottom...

What is it about the Interweb that no matter what subject you care put up in the Google ,, there are about a gazillon opinions,, and this I'll call it presidential election is creating even more content,,

Type in Why Rump will win,,,,  thousands of entries,Type in Why Rump will lose  and you get about Ten thousand more,,,,   all - well most making seemingly logical arguments why or why not something will happen,,,

As you may have guessed ,,, and maybe are still reading .... I am about to give you mine,,, what you should know 1st , is that even though  I am a Clinton supporter,, and a Rump Opponent.  I would be in favor of whatever Democrat they put up there,, because as the years go by ,, I  Simply do not believe in what Republicans believe in... I wonder what husbands and fathers say to their Daughters and wives about supporting someone who want to take away a right to govern their own bodies that has existed for year. If I understand the economic plan as the old trickle down theory,, where the rich get rich and the money eventually makes its way down to us.. I don't think that works.   any way lets get to it

Let me ask you a question  - how many people do you think are swayed by the ads and political campaigns, - I don't think that is very many,,, I believe most folks have their minds made up and its lets just get to the election,,, so I believe whatever the polls were 2 weeks after the conventions over and that showed the Dems with a  near double digit lead.

Do you think that MORE or LESS republicans will vote for Rump than voted for the past feW GOP candidates ? here again,,I think no matter what the Rump does fewer Republicans will vote for him that voted for PAST GOP candidates...   I'm a Data guy,, lets look at some dater (as some say) For Rump to win the election he needs All those who voted for Romney plus 5-8 million more,,, and those voters have to be is states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia,, etc,,,  where are those votes coming from ??  He as fewer in   Hispanics,  Fewer win Blacks, Fewer in women....  and we already said few Republicans in general..   

I believe that his weaknesses will be further illustrated by the Debates,.  Hillary will not get pulled into a war of Insults with him.  I guarantee that her people are looking for ways to needle him during the Debates to the point of Boiling over. Name calling won't work on this level, she will present a calm collected posture and make him look much less presidential... she will hit him on all his reversals,,, he touted that the 11 million illegals had to go,, even though we know that cant happen,,, building a wall ??  Seriously ,,  A ) Mexico has said they are not paying (like he said)  Private citizens own some of that land and they are not giving it up for him to build any wall,, his embargo Idea of imposing this on Mexican good into our country will not work. She will exploit his Bullshit stories about Russia and Putin. She will recall Kaizer Khan and that debacle.  She will reveal his out and out lies.   

I am saying now in Early September that it may not be a landslide victory,,,, but will be very convincing.  Polls be damned ,, it will be better than that.  Let's look back at the last election. Obama got Approx 66 million votes and Mitt 61 million... In the Republican primary 13 million people voted for Rump. and about 15 Million Republicans voted for someone else..  .  a little math. 13 million divided by  127 million total votes  = Rump got 10% of the votes necessary to WIN,,   That means Rump will need 53 Million / 43% of the country voting for him,  where are those votes coming from ??  Hispanics,, Blacks, Women, the South  ??  I sincerely doubt it.

Let me further state that it may be the end of the Republican party for years to come. We might be a 3 or 4 party system after this.  I think there will be the Rump brand supporters,, the Rest of the GOP party (A Little More Conservative- maybe they call themselves the LMC Party) .The Bernie sanders Socialists might also be able to run as another party from the Democrats.

The more real danger here is the rhetoric he was spouting in Pennsylvania, that the election is Rigged ... Can you imagine a Post election campaign that our Presidential election system is "truly corrupt". Not the BS he he has been talking (although I am not sure how to tell the difference) But a real calling into question the Process, and IF the Presidential election process is "rigged" then everything else falls to question from that to Congressional, Senate,  right down to dog catcher elections,,,  Seriously can you see Rump conceding the election to Hillary.  Can you hear that speech ? Or can you hear Dickhead saying well folks it was rigged from the beginning,, the Insiders stuffed the ballot boxes and Elected Hillary and we need to look seriously at the process because its corrupt.  I can hear that outta his Bullshitting mouth. Do you know that in 1960 - Nixon lost to Kennedy,  you knew that . IT was a very close election. Did you know that Nixon - yes Tricky Dick- Stopped a challenge to the results, conceded the election to Kennedy because he thought there should be a clear progression line from president  to President and not a question in the mind of the country and the world aas to show the next President was.  Some how I don't see that type of Patriotism from RUMP.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

OMG I cannot stand to look at it

Its like that flipping horror movie that you can't watch but just cant look away.

Now get this - Donny (ASSHOLE) maybe changing his tune on deportation of Illegals

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD

 and you can bet he will be doing an about face on several other issues,,, as he and his team realize that they are not winning  now, nor will they in November.  I love the photo of that ass handing out food and stuff to flood victims in Louisiana,,,, i have to say I never understood that,,, Million aires that are gettin back on a luxury Jet and flying to another city in Air conditioning to be picked up by a limo and taken to stay over at a 5 star luxury HOTEL Suite - handing out food and blankets to a poor person whos home just fingn floated away in the rains !  Maybe send them some MONEY and help them that way ,,, or DO NOT get your God Damn picture taken doing this so called Charitable work.


I think I am gonna PUKE !

This F'ing guy and his supporters make me more sick EVERY F'ing Day !

- Insult his rivals in GOP party,, call them and their Wives names, and post extremely unflattering pictues of them on your Twitter Account. and say the Very Presidential - "He Started IT " !
- discuss the Size of his  "HANDS" in a political debate
- Insult minorities
- Insult Mexicans, Hispanics, Muslims,
- Insult female reporters
- Praises the Soviet Premier and Praise Sadam
- Insults and doubles down on the insult of the Parents that lost a son defending out country
- Strike a Veiled Violent Threat at his opponent, and then says - Are you kidding me ?
- Tell the African American members of your Audience "hey - what do you have to lose" to get their votes, thats the Strategy ??  What do I have to lose,,, that's what got our Great leaders of the past elected?

AND NOW - NOW - the Donny-ette's that were not fucking insulted and embarrassed to be his supporters after all that, - are Very insulted and call into question what the rest of the World will think of our political process as they see Naked statues of the Donny on American street corners,  GIVE ME A F'ING BREAK !! You are supporting a MAd man.... someone that now realizes that he is going to lose the Election,,, and going down the very dangerous road of calling into question our election process,,,,  claiming IF I don't WIN -  then they cheated..   how far will the asshole take this,, what if after the election,, he goes about saying that the process is rigged,,, hey I lost , so the electoral process is no good,, and corrupt,,,  I think the Asshole should think about what that say about america,,,

Ok,, I gotta go puke now,

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nothing more to see here,,,, Move along

Is there nothing that this F ing asshole won;t say,,,??

And then brush it away ,, GIVE Me a Break,,,, give us a break,,

Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment,” Trump told the crowd in Wilmington, N.C. “By the way, and if she gets to pick if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the 2nd Amendment people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”

 Funny ,,, I posted the Quote on FB and said it was stated by Hillary towards Trump ... the one response I  got from a Donny supporter said that it sounded like Threat,,,, then a few hours later,,, and I'll bet my trumpettte supporting friend heard it on the news,,, I said whoops i got that backwards  it was Donny saying that about Hillary ,,, guess the response ,, ???  IT was the MEDIA twisting Donny's statement....   the MEDIA ???  You said it was threatening when you thought the Next President said it !! Not the Media !!..

So a threat of  Violence against his rival

A statement to Russia about getting involved to find her missing Emails, (was just  KIDDING)
Compliment to Putin

Insults to a handicapped reporter

Insults to Female reporters

Insulted Mexicans, and hispanics, Muslims

Verbally insults parents of a soldier Killed in action defending US.
 and Again
and even again

Chides that the Media is unfair to him,

the election is rigged IF he loses,,, guess its just fine if  - god forbid - he wins

Says Sexual harassment in the eye of the beholder,,,

Global warming is a joke

Tweets photos of his Rivals wife and then explains it as "He Started it "  good for a 5 yr old,,

uses Lyin TED and Crooked Hillary as his Campaign , i guess to make us forget he has nothing else.

Seriously - what is next,,,   His own party is running for the hills,,, is there anything he can say or Do to put himself over the Edge,, he is proven Liar - or yes more accurately a Bullshitter -   but none of this matters - Holy shit,.. we can't be stupid enought to elect this asshole ! can we.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Hello hello Hello is there anybody out there ?

Glad no one is out there,,

I am guessing that a phyc person doctor would say there is a positive to have a place to write stuff down that is just on some people's heads,, and is never seen by Any one,,,  SO I guess thats here...

Sleeping on the Floor is not good,,, head tucked in partly under the couch,,, or rolled off the couch and lay between the coffee table and the couch,,,,   the occasional Cat comes by to announce it might be time to eat, even if its no where near time to eat !....  the TV continues all night,,, hope the wife left it on a good channel otherwise,, I can never find the fucking clicker to change up. and I am watching some guy Selling knives or Male enhancement drugs,,, or who the hell knows what drama,,,,

I thought I had it down to what caused the Leg attacks,,, the Gabbs don;t really work - I don't have any more New P patches,,, so I ride out the Attack,, wandering the house and the Driveway at 1,2,3 in the morning,,,, Tell you what worked last night an extra Gabby,,, 2 "perfect sleep" tablets and 1/2 bottle of Smithwicks,,, say that as Schmitticks !  and about an hour ....   finally fell off bout 2am,,, and righ now its 4:30 , with the cats fed and coffee made and thi s written,, so it will be 15 hours of work, on 2 hours of Sleep,,,, ahh , but I am pretty used to that..

Ok,, on the Plus side,,,,,,,,,  hold on this might take a minute,,,,

OK,, Hillary is beating Donny in the poles,,, I can only hope we would not elect a madman to the presidency,,, and I would be the 1st to admit these are not good choices,,,, Donny would be a horrible choice.

one day close to Retirement  (HAHAHAHAHA) when ever that is,,, I can keep telling my self its 62 - thats like 20 month away , but I know it will never come.

I think I need to make  decision on this stuff,,, I keep looking at a 2nd house,, or selling this one and buying a home that will be the RETIREMENT (HAHAHA) home , and no I don't me an URN to sit on someones mantle or hiding in the closet with my ashes in it !!  I mean another house,,,,

HEY its 4:30 - I gotta got to work,,, I will talk to you (ya - there is no you ) I will talk to ME later, !

Friday, August 5, 2016

What could possibly go wrong ?

or Three Strikes and you are OUT

- Fan motor not working in the Car,,,
     Pulled out literally entire dash board - Passenger side glove box, and console, the Driver side under the Steering wheel panels, and the entire center , Radio, CD player, clock, Climate control - I get power tot eh Switch , bit no where else,,, and just to taunt me the fan comes on intermittently as I am working removing the center - Ordered new CLimate control block - better stinking work as I dont know where else to go

Lets do the Weed trimming and mow the lawn,,,,,   2nd pull on the trimmer the Cord Breaks and - poof. Take that all apart - only to find that the tensioner spring broke , and there is no way to feed the cord back into the trimmer,,,, GRRRRRR

Buy the Red oak for a small project of making a cabinet for my In Laws,,,, a) ok I forgot the Screws, and had to go back out to get them,,, then I decide to cut the top pieces of the cabinet at 45 degree angles and sand them down to where they need to be,,,, 2 minutes of sanding and the hand sander gives up in a small puff of Smoke and then stops all together ....

okk I can take a hint, - I'm done,,, at least for today !

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Lepers and Liars

You see them all the time these days,,, look on the front porch of people's homes,,, in the side yard, walking around in the driveway,,, huddled under the back yard umbrella,,, sitting in the steps - yup thats them,, the 21st century Leper - the Cigarette smoker,, cast out  of even their own homes to do their "business" away from other humans,, in most cases alone,,,  maybe at work they get to "burn one" with their fellow smoker,,, but these days its mainly alone,, not in restaurants, bars, businesses, and not even out doors in many places....  Welcome to Marlboro Country !

News today that suggests that Donald Trump will do anything and say anything to be elected.  noooo Really ???  That the GOP candidate  will soften his position or Positions that have gained him the most negative press, those stances that keep people from supporting him.. Seriously ??  That can't be true ,..

The only part of that story that cant be true is that the media has just figured this out,,,

Monday, June 13, 2016

Senseless Just F-ing Senseless

Another act of Terror  in the United States,   50 some Dead ,, 50 plus horrifically injured,,

Forget the Where it was and who it was for a minute - Why does that even matter ?!?!?!?!

This  was simply a Mad man with a gun or several guns that killed people ,, in the name of ISIS,, or wher ever..  

How do we the People allow this to continue? No gun regulation ? - ok  2nd amendment m I get it,,, but this,, this has got to stop,,   In case you forgot them,  and how could we forget,, Just since 2012,,,  

I guess we are willing to go thru these every once in a while,,,,

I would echo John's comments.. NSFW..

— Feb. 25, 2016: Cedric Ford, 38, killed three people and wounded 14 others lawnmower factory where he worked in the central Kansas community of Hesston. The local police chief killed him during a shootout with 200 to 300 workers still in the building, authorities said.
— Feb. 20, 2016: Jason Dalton, 45, is accused of randomly shooting and killing six people and severely wounding two others during a series of attacks over several hours in the Kalamazoo, Michigan, area. Authorities say he paused between shootings to make money as an Uberdriver. He faces murder and attempted murder charges.
— Dec. 2, 2015: Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, opened fire at a social services center in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and wounding more than 20. They fled the scene but died hours later in a shootout with police.
— Oct. 1, 2015: A shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, left 10 people dead and seven wounded. Shooter Christopher Harper-Mercer, 26, exchanged gunfire with police, then killed himself.
— June 17, 2015: Dylann Roof, 21, shot and killed nine African-American church members during a Bible study group inside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Police contend the attack was racially motivated. Roof faces nine counts of murder in state court and dozens of federal charges, including hate crimes.
— May 23, 2014: A community college student, Elliot Rodger, 22, killed six people and wounded 13 in shooting and stabbing attacks in the area near the University of California, Santa Barbara, campus. Authorities said he apparently shot himself to death after a gunbattle with deputies.
— Sept. 16, 2013: Aaron Alexis, a mentally disturbed civilian contractor, shot 12 people to death at the Washington Navy Yard before he was killed in a police shootout.
— July 26, 2013: Pedro Vargas, 42, went on a shooting rampage at his Hialeah, Florida, apartment building, gunning down six people before officers fatally shot him.
— Dec. 14, 2012: In Newtown, Connecticut, an armed 20-year-old man entered Sandy Hook Elementary School and used a semi-automatic rifle to kill 26 people, including 20 first graders and six adult school staff members. He then killed himself.
— Sept. 27, 2012: In Minnesota's deadliest workplace rampage, Andrew Engeldinger, who had just been fired, pulled a gun and fatally shot six people, including the company's founder. He also wounded two others at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis before taking his own life.
— Aug. 5, 2012: In Oak Creek, Wisconsin, 40-year-old gunman Wade Michael Page killed six worshippers at a Sikh Temple before killing himself.
— July 20, 2012: James Holmes, 27, fatally shot 12 people and injured 70 in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
— April 2, 2012: Seven people were killed and three were wounded when a 43-year-old former student opened fire at Oikos University in Oakland, California. One Goh was charged with seven counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder, but psychiatric evaluations concluded he suffered from long-term paranoid schizophrenia and was unfit to stand trial.

Friday, May 27, 2016

An American tradegy

I think we - well not me exactly - are in the verge of making a mistake that we won't be able to take back for 4 years,,

Donald Trump cannot be elected president

Period , end of Sentence as they say,,,, to take  movie line,, "we have serious problems and we need serious people to solve them" . You will notice - if you have not already that Trump bullies his foes,,, he calls them names, Lieing Ted, Cooked Hillary, Pocohontas,  have you ever heard such rhetoric from a presidential Candidate ?? He does not want a debate or discussion in the issues,,, he will want to talk of Ms Clinton's emails,,, and bring up things in her past ,, while blowing off criticism on himself for things he said or did in the past.  Where is his Foreign  Policy - is he going to call them names and hope they bow down to that,,, Building a Wall across the mexican border ? Seriously,,?   thats the solution,,, and I guess if you say it loud enough and long enough people will believe it,,,   well , believe me,, thats not the solution. Banning a certain race of people from entering the country,  calling them names, accusing them of crimes they never committed.. Presidential ??

Saying things about women being punished for having abortions, ??  and then - of course - retracting it the next day.  Belittling women - Megan Kelly,, among the rest,  this is presidential.... now BS about how he is looking at a women and/or a minority to be the VP candidate.... Don't you get it,, he will now do or say , what ever he needs to get elected. And listen to Trump supporters - they have no clue what their candidate stands for .....   they will in the 1st 2 sentences of being questioned talk about Secretary Clinton ,,, listen for it,,, when the Trump is questioned,,,, Defer , Deflect, Deny.

I can only hope that the Democrats can mount a strong enough campaign to keep him from winning the Whitehouse,,, I  sincerely believe if Trump wins it will be a turning point in this country that we will never,, (ok never is s long time) it will take decades to undo what he does....  

I simply don't believe what the GOP or Trump believe,, Hillary may not be a great candidate ,,, but she had better be good enough to beat Trump in the general election.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Greetings,,, and Welcome  - after many years to some new Ink,,,,

I again went back to Tattoo Fantasy in Marlboro NY,,,  where Tattoo Tony Marchese plys his art...

Going in with three Ideas,,,, The Dave Matthews band Dancer,,,,    A thought of a tree,,,, and a maybe the Grateful dead Skull and roses , although I do  not like what I call DECAL tats as well as I like artwork,, you know Decals,,, like they paste on the image and  do a paint by numbers on you,,,

Anyway,,, Spent 1/2 hr with Tony,, him very raw sketching a tree and the dancer together,,, and then returning a week later to see the drawing,,,  and once we reviewed that ,,, decided on the open part of the dancer instead of the blackened portion,,, and 3 hours and 10 minutes later ,,, VIOLA ! 

Tony and his partner in the shop Tim are the Best,,, really artists, very clean , professional shop .  Tony is maybe late 60's early 70's ,,,,   the man trains our Olympic Speed skating teams ,,,, and is an artist in his own right, along with being a tattooist,,,   

un known to me,,, Trees are Tony's thing,,, Tim showed me a catalog of many 1000 drawings that Tony has done in the past years,, ALL trees,,, so without Knowing,,I hit upon his passion in art,,, and he created a great tat for me... IF you are even thinking of getting a tattoo,,, visit Tattoo fantasy ,,right on 9W in Marlboro ,, 100 yards or so south of the Raccoon saloon,


Friday, April 22, 2016

Just when you thougt it was safe to vote in a primary, or CAN anyone on F'ing Facebook FACT-Check before they post Un Truths

all right lets get right to it,

- Trump is horrible - I firmly believe that is he is elected President, it will mean a major shift in this country. I think he will alienate our allies, and piss off our Friends to the point no one will support us in anything. this stupid fucking wall that Mexico is gong to build is simply ludicrous, and the story in today CNN about a tunnel under the US / Mexico Border shows how GD stupid it is,,

1st off  - this country with all our problems and all our issues,,, is GREAT - we don't need Donald Trump to make it great - like he even could. and I am to the point that I can't understand how people even support this Jerk.  When the 2nd amendment gun swallowers  hear any thing about taking away or limiting their guns they are all - yea come take it, and Over my dead body ,,, its the Law that we can have guns,  some f ing how they forget that when the candidate for Prez says that women who get abortions should be punished,  ummm  what happened to Roe v, Wade,, did that get over turned ,, is that not the law???  good for the goose not good for the gander - I think they just have there head so far up their assess they cant see out anymore,,  and He tweets a photo of his opponent wife and says "he started it" !!  Ya presidential.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How can i keep from,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, singing??

Nah,,, that ain't it,, I could never sing,,, Maybe I would have been better off if I could have ,,, maybe not.

IF only  ,,,,,,,,,,, Then ,,

What exactly can I do ? hummm,,,   that might take some thinking ,,  Not smart enough to get a degree in ANYTHING,, barely  got out of HighSchool . Not athletic enough to be a Jock,, played a little baseball,, but hey - not that good at that , although I could hit..  some...   Was runner for while,,, and Quite frankly ,, wish I wasn't  - if I knew that as a drove past or revisited places where I ran races , I owuld be tormented by my recent battle with weight gain,,  I'd give back every race, every marathon medal , to not have those thoughts. I don't have a "career",,,, I got a job managing cause it paid more,,, back in the day maybe I was a good manager,,,  but truth be told - Just so-so today.  I  do bit of DIY around the house,,,  and more often then not end up making a mistake there that costs me time and labor and Materials in some cases  - because of lack of forethought  and average talent.   Odd to be at this spot in life and not be really good at one thing.  As they say "Jack of Many trades - Master of none". Husband ,, Father,,, doubt if I am much more than a Journeyman at those things either,, but , as they say ,,, its a Cruel world out there and TODAY - we are going out there - again ,

The presidential race just more interesting with Sanders and Cruz winning Wisconsin,  Clinton and Trump focus on the NY primary in about 2 weeks. I still don't see how Bernie overtakes Hillary - as I think she will have enough delegates to get the NOD in the 1st ballot at the convention, and I think to opposite is true from the republicans,,, I don;t see how the Trump gets enough delegates to win on the 1st ballot, there-by throwing that convention open to the likes of who knows who,,,   and I am not the 1st tho think that if Trump does not get the nomination, he WILL run as an Independant.  and that might mean the end of the Republican party for this election,,, and who knows maybe splinters that Party forever.

Baseball season started ,, we have tickets to 12 games as part of a joint Season ticket group,,, we will see how that works out.  I tried to take more games at the beginning of the year, so that when the Yanks are out of it in the 2nd half - I won't feel bad about not going tot he games I paid for,,, Yamks lost the home opener, Betances gave up the winning runs in the 7th,, 8th ? and I had to hear John Sterling do one of his famous "if only ,,,, then " statements,,,,   if only Betances did not give up that 2 run single,, then it would be a tie game,,, yup - IF only ..... then,,,

So back to the 1st paragraph,,,, maybe thats my mantra -- "IF only ,,,,,,,,,,,,Then ..."

Friday, April 1, 2016

Where are they now ??

so the latest in the Political arena is that the TRUMP has made a statement that is really interesting from several angles.

1) that he would answer a hypothetical question - what if ,,  almost no one will get drawn into that trap

2) to make a statement so outlandish that you have to know is gonna create a shitstorm,  To punish a women for having an abortion,,, what has to be emotional enough -regardless of the circumstance,  but to suggest - what ?? Jail time ??  Seriously,,,, and the Dr, / health care person that performed the procedure ??  and in case you forgot your biology - there was another person involved in the pregnancy,,, like  oh yea the father ! No "punishment " for him ?? Just the women,

3) If the statement TRUMP made was ok,, why then did it need not one,, but 2 retractions with in  like 2 hours

and what is more interesting is the reaction from the pro - Trump people.  WHERE ARE THEY NOW ??

When he said we are gonna build a wall to Keep Mexicans OUT ,, and then he said BAN all  Syrians  - oh yea except for his rich friends , they are ok to come over,,, for get the law if you have money ,,, and the attack on Meagen Kelly,,  ALL that was defendable,, And he Tweets a picture of Ted Cruz's wife, and defends that  as "Hey - HE STARTED IT" (I loved Anderson Cooper telling him that was the reaction of a Five year old,, NOT a person running for President )   , but I don;t see any FB posts, or Tweets about this  ???  What the matter your boy not so defendable now,,,   You might need to look at your Girlfriend  / Wife / Daughter,,, and try to defend this asshole ,,, and can't do it,,..

And I can't wait till he gets on the same stage as Ms Clinton (Madam President ) she will tear him a new one,,, actually - I think he will do it to himself,,, I guarantee her stratigists  are planning on attacking him on something that will get his blood to boil ,, just to see what he says ,,, and when he calls her the B word or the C word ,,, that will end the Race for president.

But even before that - Maybe we get this "open" convention that they are discussing,, and we see some fireworks there,,,,

Topic #2 - LAST WEEK TONIGHT - and John Oliver

Rapidly becoming my favorite TV show, he is absolutely great,,,  Very funny. and VERY topical,, he takes on many of todays issues. He backs up his statements with FACTS, and Actually has something to contribute to the conversation , as they say,,,  When HBO 1st ran promos for the show,, I thought no way,,,  but now I am a huge fan,,, IF you dont watch you should,,,, check out the Stories on Televengilists, and his story on the TRUMP

AND what is great ,, is that YOU TUBE has them !!!

And if you think Televangelists

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lets Talk about something else

I am remonded recently about the start of another baseball season,,, and I have to relate a few  items before we get to the actula discussion of the Yankees team and a realist view of their chances of a 28th World championship.,

so we have the technology (Iphone 6)  today to deliver subject specific content (Yankee news )  to an end user (me) , SO I have these alerts turned on so I can keep up with any news from Tampa and Yankee spring training.  So I get absolutley breaking news - 1st alert is about Cc sabathia and that he feels better after completing his rehab from alcohol addiction - really - what has he been drinking ??  he feel better now >??   you think a guy making that kinda money could afford Top shelf Liquor !!
2nd story (and I am not making this up - is about a groundskeeper captuirng  a Racoon at Steinbrenner Field,,, If I'm Lyin ,,I'm Dyin  see below,,,

"TAMPA - While the Yankees players were tucked away safely inside their clubhouse for a union meeting Sunday morning, Steinbrenner Field stadium personnel spent about 20 minutes trying to catch a raccoon that had camped out on the net behind the plate."

The uninvited raccoon doesn't go away quietly from Steinbrenner Field.

Ok,, then some real news,,    the Yanks newest pitcher is suspended for 30 games for violating the Leagues domestic violence policy ,,,, hummm  how about the LAW ,, might hey wanna talk to him also,,,,  he can either pend the 30 days Stone Drunk - or maybe open a business capturing Wild animals,,,

then Finally - the Stenbrenners say that the  team is not for sale..  Damn it ! I was thinking of Buying a  team , and now the yanks are off the market ,,  I gotta look elsewhere ,,, perhaps the RedSox,,, they suck - they should be cheap enough !! 

Can we get to some real news,,, like is Teixeira healthy ??   If and When he gets hurt who is the back up ??  Some guy named CASTRO is playing 2nd base ?? He hits better than DD but that's National League Stats,,,


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Somebody wake me up

this is a dream  - right,,, we can't be seriously thinking of electing Donald Trump president. !!

 the man is a Narcissist,,,  if it ain't about him ,, it ain't !  he does not want to serve the county  - the only person or thing Mr Trump is interested is serving is himself. He is a Bigot, read the record,, he has insulted the entire Muslim community ,, and essentially every Mexican/ Hispanic in North America. He make fun of people disabilities, mimicking a reporter that has a disease that has his arm move in a strange way... and then insults a paraplegic reporter - saying something about not needing or knowing how to buy pants. He insults John McCain,,, sayin he is not a war hero because he got caught and was a POW , and was tortured,,, that's not a hero >?  he said he likes solders that did not get caught better. He has consistently insulted women, from reporters, to his opponents, saying "Look at her face" .. just go check the record...   He refused to rent to minorities, mainly blacks,,, ok he settled that suit without any pledge of guilt,,, but paid lots of money to get out of it,,,

We are going to build a wall to keep Mexicans out
We are going to stop all Muslims from coming to this country
We  call people that don't agree with us Stupid and Clowns, 
We insult Women, and Persons with Disabilities,,

and we want to call our self  "President"  ??

You think I am making this up ??? Google "Trump Women" or  "Trump insults" or Trump anything,,,, and watch the videos ,, and listen to him talk,,, and ask yourself - this is our President,,,,

I think if he does not get the nod for Republican candidate , he will run as an independent, essentially splitting the Vote and giving the election to the Democrats.
I think he will say something in one of these debates, that is so vile that even the GOP will run for cover,,,  and
 I don't think he can beat Hillary in the General election,,,

Sunday, February 7, 2016

I knew Dick Nixon and you are no F'ing Dick Nixon

Have you been watching the Political process in Iowa and New Hampshire ?  and are your fucking kidding me,,,

Can you see any of the Circus Clowns that the Republicans have falling out of the Clown car and showing up at the Debates ??   I can't ,,, I guess I simply DO NOT believe in the things that the Republicans believes in,, and Seriously that Rubio guy,,, bit Christi nailed him ,,,,   I think Rubio did give that same old canned speech and Christi called him on it,,,,

and there are just too many of the them to have an effective debate,,, they need to pair this down to 3 or 4 ,,, and I am glad to see that Qualudes are still in vogue cause  Ben Carlson musta taken a hand full - and although he says he wants to run against Hillary , I do not think Trump would do that well against her,,, she is tougher than he is,,, and I think she would kick his ass,,,

I still like Hillary,, but that Bernie guy is really growing on me,,,,    so we will see,,,,,

In case you was wondering - Disney was great - as usual,,,, funny to say ,, I really love that place,,,,  my wife asked this time,,,,   "so how did a trip nearly 40 years ago - turn into an obsession  ??"  We are headed back in December with the whole Family - that will be another great trip with our older Grandson , really understanding more and the younger one just being aware of whats going on,,,,

shhhhhhhh   - I will be back in some shape by then,,, I cant stand it like this anymore,,,

I am pissed at these artists that think they are so stinking Star Spangled great that they wont let music services like Spotify play their music,,,,  really  - Garth Brooks is worth like half a Billion dollars and he is all high and mighty about this - jesus ,, give me a break,,,

What else is happening ?? Snow city to the South of us,, Westchester and LI are getting it this year,,, we have zip,, although spose to be some Monday and Tuesday,,,,

I am more and more drawn to the DYI projects that I am doing,,, makes my day job harder to do ,,, While I am not sure that I could do it for a living - there is physical aspect that I my knees back and hands may not be able to handle,,, ,  am sure that I could supplement my retirement with that kind of work,,, and without sounding vain,, I am good enough at it that people would pay me to do it,, so right now,, I am taking what they givin cause I m working for alivin,, but not sure for how much longer...........  speaking of it 4am,, and I gotta get going to work !!     Give me a call if you are of a mind too,,,  actually how would you know my number !!  hahahah,,,,  Later Dudes and dudettes