Have you been watching the Political process in Iowa and New Hampshire ? and are your fucking kidding me,,,
Can you see any of the Circus Clowns that the Republicans have falling out of the Clown car and showing up at the Debates ?? I can't ,,, I guess I simply DO NOT believe in the things that the Republicans believes in,, and Seriously that Rubio guy,,, bit Christi nailed him ,,,, I think Rubio did give that same old canned speech and Christi called him on it,,,,
and there are just too many of the them to have an effective debate,,, they need to pair this down to 3 or 4 ,,, and I am glad to see that Qualudes are still in vogue cause Ben Carlson musta taken a hand full - and although he says he wants to run against Hillary , I do not think Trump would do that well against her,,, she is tougher than he is,,, and I think she would kick his ass,,,
I still like Hillary,, but that Bernie guy is really growing on me,,,, so we will see,,,,,
In case you was wondering - Disney was great - as usual,,,, funny to say ,, I really love that place,,,, my wife asked this time,,,, "so how did a trip nearly 40 years ago - turn into an obsession ??" We are headed back in December with the whole Family - that will be another great trip with our older Grandson , really understanding more and the younger one just being aware of whats going on,,,,
shhhhhhhh - I will be back in some shape by then,,, I cant stand it like this anymore,,,
I am pissed at these artists that think they are so stinking Star Spangled great that they wont let music services like Spotify play their music,,,, really - Garth Brooks is worth like half a Billion dollars and he is all high and mighty about this - jesus ,, give me a break,,,
What else is happening ?? Snow city to the South of us,, Westchester and LI are getting it this year,,, we have zip,, although spose to be some Monday and Tuesday,,,,
I am more and more drawn to the DYI projects that I am doing,,, makes my day job harder to do ,,, While I am not sure that I could do it for a living - there is physical aspect that I my knees back and hands may not be able to handle,,, , am sure that I could supplement my retirement with that kind of work,,, and without sounding vain,, I am good enough at it that people would pay me to do it,, so right now,, I am taking what they givin cause I m working for alivin,, but not sure for how much longer........... speaking of it 4am,, and I gotta get going to work !! Give me a call if you are of a mind too,,, actually how would you know my number !! hahahah,,,, Later Dudes and dudettes
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