Just at a time when you thought that it could not get worse,,,, Or better depending on your particlar Brand of vodka,,, This happens.....
and let me say first how terrible all this must be to Women that have been actually Sexually assaulted, to have the whole issue displayed as if in the Center ring in Barnum and Baily's circus
a Video of a prospective Commander and Chief talking about grabbing a Women's genitals, and being allowed to do that because as he is quoted is a star .... he and his minions run around furiously saying this was years ago,,, he has promoted women to high positions in his companies and he he respects women,,, well as long as you are not one he has not publicly humiliated fro gaining weight, not living up to his physical appearance standards, or called pigs, cows, etc,, he respects all of the other ones,,, as any good presidential candidate certainly world..
when pressed about the Tape by Anderson Cooper - he said "no he had never done that" and it was Locker room talk,,, despite many pro athletes coming out and saying that they don't talk like that and have not heard that sort of talk in any locker room,, and now several women after hearing his denial to AC... have come out with "stories " that they have been molested by Trump,,, Geez - the nerve of these women , smearing what up to now has been a pristine record on the part of the GOP candidate,... he Should SUE them - especially the New York Times to retract the Story,,, with all those Lies in it,... he won't though,,, as that would open him up in a Court proceeding to Discovery on the Part of the NYT,,,, on what ever else they can find on him,,,, because BTW ,, these women brought the story to the TIMES not the other way around,,, and its all a conspiracy by the Democrats to discredit him,.... Sure got them to forget that he still has not released that Tax return !! AND AND these happened Decades ago,, so should be swept aside,,, not like that stunt before the last debate of Women - rightly or Wrongly - accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct,,, that happened ,,, oh Wait - DECADES ago,,,,, and in case you missed the name - ITS HILLARY on the ticket Not Bill ! Dumb Ass..
Two quick points
- One Rump Apologist minion,,,, went down the road that Bill C settled several of these incidents - without any proceeding of Guilt - by paying off the Law suit, and that alone - according tot he Rump spokeman was admission of guilt,,, until I think it was Don Lemon as them if that meant that the discrimination lawsuits the rump settled by Paying them off was an admission of Guilt and hummm they could not come up with any answer ,,,,
- the other Rump spokesman - said that the Groping incident on the airplane could not have taken place because of the design of the Airplane seats in a DC 10 or L10 - 11 that they would have been flying,,, Seriously - that's the Defense,,,a person that does not look old enough to remember DC10's let alone is now the EXPERT in air line Seat Arm rest design,,, and what could or could not be done,,,,
Silver Lining portion,,,,, Hillary now leads by nearly 10 points across the Country,,, and is leading in nearly every what they call Battle-gound state..... I think - although easy won;t be the word - that she will win a decisive victory 26 days from now,,,, the next Debate should be very interesting,,,, I think they will ask Hillary to Smile less,,, stick to the Issues,,, let the Moderator - Chris Wallace - ask the tough questions,,, and Let Rump did a hole for himself,,,,
I can't wait to see what happens next, !!!
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