Let's look at this sorta seriously a minute,,,
- Coming out of the GOP convention it was at worst an even race between Rump and Hillary... and many polls showed Rump with an edge in many of what were the "Batttle-Ground" states...
Since then,,, and in no particular Chronological Order..
Rump has arguably LOST 3 debates,,, did not prepare for the 1st one as a person that is a Big League narcissist would do , Was Ok in the 2nd Debate but after an even start to the 3rd and Final time he will have the head to head opportunity to debate Hillary,,, he takes the bait again,,, interrupting her,,, with WRONG,, and when she says he's a puppet for Putin,, he chimes in No puppet,,, you are the puppet (Hello =Peewee Herman - I know you are but what am I defense) and then in the Bombshell of the night says that he will let us Know if he will accept the out come of the election,,, Keep us in suspense I think was the quote,,, this from a question he had to know was coming, !! and hell - he lies and bullshits about everything,, why not say YES .. I will accept , like this campaign manager and VP candidate said that very day,,,even if he did not mean it !!
He has insulted and then doubled down on Hispanics - especially Mexicans- Insulted Women, Handicapped, THE TAPE killed him,,, and then 10 - that's my count - women have come forward to say that they we assaulted by Rump... ALL Liars,,, ?? really - and its the Democrats that are behind this "conspiracy" one one hand they have no idea what they are doing - he uses horrible and on the other they have constructed this intricate conspiracy involving all these women and news media, and FBI,,,, come on can't have this both ways...
Does not release the TAX return - leaves us to speculate what s there,,
Suggests Hillary could have done something to prevent him from claiming a BILLION dollar loss in business that he utilizes over decades to pay no taxes - calling it SMART. Says Hillary in 30 years could have stopped him from using Foreign Steel in his buildings, Undocumented workers in his Hotels,... She could have?? not the past presidents, not the Full congress,, Hillary - Whoa,, did she have that much power at any time...
He has continued to Lie about things that we have seen video tape of him says ing exactly the opposite,, and seriously - he could have said, hey I changed my mind,,, the circumstances changes and so did my opinion of them,,,, but NO,,, he continues to say that he never said these things, and we see and hear in past interviews that he DID say them,,
AND lately - RIGGED - is his theme,,,, Let;'s look at FACTS,,,, from 2000 to 2012 - that's FOUP presidential elections,,, there have been 159 cases of proven Voter Fraud - hummmm how many voters were cast in those 4 elections >??? Let's use 110 Million votes per election - 2000 was closer to 100 million, and 2012 120 million,,, so 110 Million per Presidential election,,, and I'll tell you what Ill use the Rump number of 300 cases of Voter Fraud,, so 110 x 4 elections,,, = 440 Million votes,,,, and 300 Were fraud, so 300 / 440,000,000 = .000068% - that's Wide Spread ?? I don' t think so,,, and even if you believe that all 300 cases voted for the same candidate,,,, It's a laughable argument - RIGGED,,,, it's sounds more like a KID that loses a game and tries to convince them selves and the other 8 year olds that they must have cheated to WIN ! BULLSHIT ..... I am not that smart and I said from months ago that Rump would never concede the loss to Hillary,,, and how dangerous that is for our Country and the Democratic process,,,,, Even in close elections,,, Nixon / Kennedy in 1960 - Nixon said that it was important the the country see a definitive transfer of Power and he conceded the election.. Even Gore - after the mandatory recount by FLorida law took place and the Challenge of BUSH (yea everyone forgets that) to the Supreme court (GORE won the popular vote by ~500 thousand and Bush the Electoral College by 5 ) Gore told his Party to "StandDown" and conceded the Election to Bush,,, But Rump says he will keep us in suspense, What a Jerk !
All this .. and I put to you that it is at the very least somewhat intentional,,, you can't keep trying to win when you are dropping easy fly balls,,, getting picked off the bases and swings at pitches over your head......
We have 16 days and 18 hours left till election day,,, and very shortly after that Hillary will be know as the President Elect,, and word that has never been used will be ,,"Madam" President.
as always I'll give you some unrelated Music to pass the time,,,,
Have I used this one before ?
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