Thursday, October 27, 2016

I would agree to disagree

We have lost the ability oto respectfully disagree with each other,,,  It used to be that you would listen to others statement and arguments, and agree to disagree... Not anymore,, and I am not sure when this started but it has reached an Apex of Epic proportion..

I listened the other night to 4 people on with Don Lemon  on CNN all talking at once, no one listening to the other,  nope just talking right over each other,, this is a learned skill, try it some time,,, and see if you don't find your self stopping talking,, but not these trained professionals. Of Course it was political,,, but it was angry  these folks were angry with each other or at least with the opposite siders.....  Guarantee no one is changing anyone s mind ...  I think it probably similar to should we Declare Independance from England ? or NOT... Can the Nation survive 1/2 slave and 1/2 free ??
Roe V Wade.. Creationists .vs Evolution ? Jews .vs Christians .vs Muslims ,  Democrat vs  Republican....   you get my point. some things seem so clear this many years later. I wonder if we  will have the advantage of looking back and seeing what might have been and what was,,,

I am more concerns today as to the outcome of the election... not the outcome per Se,,, I think Hillary will win.  What will the backlash be ? will Rump concede the election ?? Will his rhetoric be that of violence, and  uprisings ? Will that be the tone post election day? this is guy who is not used to losing,,, even in Losing billions he WINS,, everyone laughs at his jokes  - he is the Boss after all,,,What will this embarassment be - on a National scale none the less..  We see and hear his rhetoric when someone challenges  him,,, how will he react when its for real - he loses to Hillary ,,,  and has to admit he was beaten...  I said months ago I could not see one conceding to the other..  Less than two weeks will tell..

i will relate a study in human behavior that came from my recent Jury Duty,,, but this i noting to do with the Case,,,

Friday afternoon we the prospective Jurors show up in the JURY pre room at 1:15,,, I am a few minutes early - I walk in ,, there are 4 folks or so at the chairs and each has a clip board and form that they are filling out,,, no one looks up... hey i can follow the lead,,, I take a clip board from the table - oh BTW - there is no one at the Desks that are spose to be there telling us what the heck to do,,,, each is now doing it on his or her own.... as each new person walks in they look around,, no one says a word to them,, but each - some quickly  - some not so much - but each has a clip board and a form filled out,,,, without being told to do anything,,,, or knowing any thing.   the Juror lady shows up,,, at 1:30 - starts to give us the JUROR talk ,,,, and then notices that we all have these clipboards and Forms,,, she says,,, umm,,,  "has everyone filled out these forms ?""  YES we all chime,,, ahem,,, well of the 30 of you 12 are going to the CIVIL trial and 18 to the Criminal Trial.....   in the Civil trial  the attorneys will use the Form to help select the Jury ,,, but in the Criminal trial - No forms,,, in fact ,, I am take them all from you before you walk into the Court room,,, and VIOLA - that is exactly what happened.. 18 of us played follow the leader for nothing,,, but a very interesting study in human behavior,,, no one wanted to be the one without a completed form !!  TOO Funny,,,

Let us end here - and good bye for now - with a  video - Ill give you Heaven ,,,

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