Friday, May 27, 2016

An American tradegy

I think we - well not me exactly - are in the verge of making a mistake that we won't be able to take back for 4 years,,

Donald Trump cannot be elected president

Period , end of Sentence as they say,,,, to take  movie line,, "we have serious problems and we need serious people to solve them" . You will notice - if you have not already that Trump bullies his foes,,, he calls them names, Lieing Ted, Cooked Hillary, Pocohontas,  have you ever heard such rhetoric from a presidential Candidate ?? He does not want a debate or discussion in the issues,,, he will want to talk of Ms Clinton's emails,,, and bring up things in her past ,, while blowing off criticism on himself for things he said or did in the past.  Where is his Foreign  Policy - is he going to call them names and hope they bow down to that,,, Building a Wall across the mexican border ? Seriously,,?   thats the solution,,, and I guess if you say it loud enough and long enough people will believe it,,,   well , believe me,, thats not the solution. Banning a certain race of people from entering the country,  calling them names, accusing them of crimes they never committed.. Presidential ??

Saying things about women being punished for having abortions, ??  and then - of course - retracting it the next day.  Belittling women - Megan Kelly,, among the rest,  this is presidential.... now BS about how he is looking at a women and/or a minority to be the VP candidate.... Don't you get it,, he will now do or say , what ever he needs to get elected. And listen to Trump supporters - they have no clue what their candidate stands for .....   they will in the 1st 2 sentences of being questioned talk about Secretary Clinton ,,, listen for it,,, when the Trump is questioned,,,, Defer , Deflect, Deny.

I can only hope that the Democrats can mount a strong enough campaign to keep him from winning the Whitehouse,,, I  sincerely believe if Trump wins it will be a turning point in this country that we will never,, (ok never is s long time) it will take decades to undo what he does....  

I simply don't believe what the GOP or Trump believe,, Hillary may not be a great candidate ,,, but she had better be good enough to beat Trump in the general election.

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