Friday, August 5, 2016

What could possibly go wrong ?

or Three Strikes and you are OUT

- Fan motor not working in the Car,,,
     Pulled out literally entire dash board - Passenger side glove box, and console, the Driver side under the Steering wheel panels, and the entire center , Radio, CD player, clock, Climate control - I get power tot eh Switch , bit no where else,,, and just to taunt me the fan comes on intermittently as I am working removing the center - Ordered new CLimate control block - better stinking work as I dont know where else to go

Lets do the Weed trimming and mow the lawn,,,,,   2nd pull on the trimmer the Cord Breaks and - poof. Take that all apart - only to find that the tensioner spring broke , and there is no way to feed the cord back into the trimmer,,,, GRRRRRR

Buy the Red oak for a small project of making a cabinet for my In Laws,,,, a) ok I forgot the Screws, and had to go back out to get them,,, then I decide to cut the top pieces of the cabinet at 45 degree angles and sand them down to where they need to be,,,, 2 minutes of sanding and the hand sander gives up in a small puff of Smoke and then stops all together ....

okk I can take a hint, - I'm done,,, at least for today !

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