Sunday, August 21, 2016

OMG I cannot stand to look at it

Its like that flipping horror movie that you can't watch but just cant look away.

Now get this - Donny (ASSHOLE) maybe changing his tune on deportation of Illegals

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD

 and you can bet he will be doing an about face on several other issues,,, as he and his team realize that they are not winning  now, nor will they in November.  I love the photo of that ass handing out food and stuff to flood victims in Louisiana,,,, i have to say I never understood that,,, Million aires that are gettin back on a luxury Jet and flying to another city in Air conditioning to be picked up by a limo and taken to stay over at a 5 star luxury HOTEL Suite - handing out food and blankets to a poor person whos home just fingn floated away in the rains !  Maybe send them some MONEY and help them that way ,,, or DO NOT get your God Damn picture taken doing this so called Charitable work.


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