Wednesday, August 5, 2009

of Coffee Cups, and Halliday ....

Can a Simple thing like a LID that don't fit right RUIN my day,,,, It tried !!

But , I was quicker than the coffee was.. Did a save - I have no Idea how the lid "pops" off and the cup falls nearly 6 inches back into the Cup holder,,, and essentially NO Coffee Spills. I am tellin you inanimate objects are out to GET ME !! I know tht friggin Iron Door stop jumped right into my path when I was exiting the Bedroom this morning,,,

Beating Buhrle and Halliday in Back to back games,, no easy Feat,,, Andrew is just a Bulldog that way,,, great pitching,,, and Hey Joe G. Stop with the 4 out saves huh,,, we are hopefully gonna need those pitches Back in Mo's arm come Oct ... Let Phil finish the 8th innings,,, you can see that he is getting nervous in these games,,,

Shout out to Even L ... We Love you !!! At least for Today !!! Back to a Game and Half,,,

I really hope they play well, and WIN the 4 game series in the Bronx this weekend,, Gotta show you can do .vs the big boys at some point - right ??

Stilla bit outta sorts,,, but getting better ,, DAMN Ranch dressing !!

Lets go for Fighting of the FOO...

Times Like these...............

Ok,, let's go with "Walkin After You"

and if someone asks - and can wave that wand my way,,, I'd like to be able to play the Guitar , so I can do Dave Grolsch songs,,,

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