Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Another day,,, More Long ball,,, and another WIN,,,, Things are real good right now in Da Bronx !! Joba sucked,,, he was just not consistent,,, however ,,, Bruney, Coke, Robertson, and Mo, combine for 3 hits, 1 run. Godzilla and JORGE go yard.

Shout out ot Pukolis,,, take it like a man,,, and BTW,,, YOUR pitcher HIT their BEST Player FIRST !! Hello,,, Maybe you should charge your dugout, and not the Mound !! Take it as a compliment that they think you are the Redsox Best player and they plunk you,,, and in the back,, not close to the head,,, so Enough,, fix your skirt, and walk down to first base,, hope you get a 50 game suspension !!

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