Thurman Lee Munson (June 7, 1947 – August 2, 1979) Yankee Captain,,, from 1969 - 1979 . Munson was killed at age 32 while trying to land his personal airplane. He was a 7 time all star.,,, 2 time World champion, Rookie of the the year in 1970,,, AL MVP in 1976... His Locker remains to this day in the New Yankee Stadium,,, and Number 15 has been retired By the Yankees. A true Warrior,,, as a player, and devoted Family man,,, Thurmon is missed to this day,,, and you only need to hear the applause and see the Standing ovation that His wife Diane when she is introduced at the Stadium to understand what the Fans, though then, and continue to think of him today...
Windy City, and Gettin Blown away
Three & a Half to a HALF, OMG - Gettin blown away in the Windy City,, and losing more games on this road trip,,,, they are now what 2 and 4 ,,, one more with ChiSox, a day off , and 2 in Toronto .......... oh,, and did I mention,,, Buehrle (he of Perfection recently) and then Doc Holliday,,, yea - this don't look too good,.... maybe they can get Doc to switch dugouts BEFORE Tuesday,,, and he can pitch Against the Blue Jays instead of for them !! Now that would be a News story...
The Best Laid Plans of Mice & Men often go Astray
So, as If the week was not going to be challenging enough,,, we are adding meetings, and audit comebacks to my already overbooked Schedule. !!
Am I whining,,, I guess I am,,,,, no tissues needed ,,,YET !
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