another Weekend Home series another Sweep !!!!!!!!!
This victim is the White SOX,,,, Red sox also continue to win,,, however their fans should not be thinkin of this as positive,,, with 32 to go and a 6 game lead,, it s not impossible that the Bosox can catch them,,, Just improbable ..
IF the Yankees (the BEST TEAM IN BASEBALL) go say .500 or 16 and 16,,,, to make up the 7 games,,, Boston needs to go 23 and 9 ,... hummmm that's a .725 winning PCT... where they have played .550 ball , all year,,,,, any way ,,, let 'em play the games, and see what happens in the End,,, I think that who ever comes out of the AL will have beaten 2 of the 3 Biggies,,, Yanks, SOX, Angels, and then have to deal with probably there Cardinals in the Series,,, My hope is Dodgers, and Yankees, Torre ,,,, Manny ..... Oh yea,,, Drama,,,,
Dutchess County Fair,,,, Ok,,, food was good, went for the Philly Cheese Steak, and Onion rings,, plus the Lemonade,,, quickly followed by a 4 H strawberry Shake ,ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm No calories in that I am sure................ Others had the Fried dough, and Cotton Candy !! whoa ! Animals were neat as usual,, did not get to see a Cow giving birth , like last year,,,, but hey,,,,, Girls did some shopping,, and what they got ,I have no idea,,, I did see a few dresses, etc,......................... I do not do those rides,,, all in all - a good time was had by all,,, did not even take long getting outta the parking lot,,,,,,
Yankee Game - sucked - they lost ,,, I hate that ,, too many LOB's , and poor base running,,, AJ was real good early , then gave up that 3 run HR.... and Phil Coke was poor also,,, HEY ,, we saw Ron Bloomberg ... sittin in the Bleachers with us,,, OK, trivia test, what is Bloomy Famous for being the 1st to do ???? - and BTW - He is a big man,,,
Train ride was great,,, went from Croton - Harmon,,, $8 per / round trip.... and coming back was fast,,, If it was not for a fight on nthe train , we would have beed 15 minutes earlier,,, Parking is bit tight( no spaces) at C-H_ but I would do that again,, Keeps you off the Major Deegan expressway !!
Tractor shift now broken,, I think she is on her last legs,,,, I can patch it together to finish the season !!!
Friday - 6 miles in the Pouring Down rain !! Hey, it ain't as bad as the 90 degrees plus humidity city we had last weeks,,, so.... "I'll take the Rain"
Hey, On Friday I will post a report on the Train ride to 153rd street station, and the Yankees and Rangers game,,,, we are - as usual - amongst the Creatures in the Right Field Bleachers,,,, in Sect 204 this time - that's a little closer to the right Field corner than usual,...
OH and its FAIR night,,, Sausage and Peppers here I come ! - and BIGGIE Fries.... can't make up my mind in the Milkshake though,,, should I opt for a Martin, and Lewis, or Amos and Andy???
So, after having 1/2 the damn tractor apart, and rewiring sections, of it,,, and Learning how the Reverse switch works,, and figuring out that the Mower deck switch is actually a ground switch,,, not a Powered switch, they drive current to the PTO all the time and use the deck switch to break the neutral/ground,,, and ALL the GD safety switches feed into that Deck switch, the Seat, and Reverse, and the Brake, and the who knows what else,, OH BTW,,,, that fan that cools the transmission spins like hell and putting your hand in there while its spinning not a great idea,, although I am lucky , not a scratch,,, IF it had been from the other side, probably would have lost fingers (no Joke ) SO, there is still problem, but as soon as I saw that I had the 14.2 volts to the PTO when I grounded to the frame, VIOLA ! A new ground connection via jumper wire, and Whoosh - we are Mowing like Green Acres !! Note,, with this "work around" the mower deck stays on ALL the TIME,,, and I doubt if Steel blades are as forgiving , as that plastic fan .... Guess I should price out a MOWER DECK SWITCH before they are callin me "LEFTY" !!
AND the grass is higher than ever , actually "gone to seed" as they - say,,,
Chamberlain, SUCKS ! Please 96 pitches in 4 innings,,,
WOULD YOU JUST THROW WHAT POSADA CALLS... he has a few more Years and RINGS than YOU DO !! IDIOT
Well, another day,,, like any other,,,, there is one subject that I will hold for later,,, something for you to think about,,, is the ebb & flow of life,,, the people you meet,, the timing of the world,,, how did you get to the spot you are at ,,, (is that good English ? - I really don't care) The things that Matter,, and what does not,,, Problems that seem like HUGE , till someone tells you their issues, then It's nothing .............. The TIMING of the universe is amazing,,, But that - for another DAY !
Today,, I think we need a bit of humor to get started,,,, so Here is ELR and THE FAMILY ! If you are pressed for TIME,,, the last 30 seconds are GREAT - FastForward out to like 9 minutes,,,,
And a Little Political Science,,,,, "Don't wanna hurt no Kangaroos,,,"
That sound you heard last night was the air coming out of the Redsox's hopes for a division title,,, On Friday,,, you heard about IF they swept,, the lead of the Yankees would be down to 3 and 1/2 , then they got PASTED by the bombers,,, ,, they came back Saturday against AJ,,, but Becketthead gave up more gopher balls then Bill Murray in Caddyshack !
5 Dingers,,, Buckethead meet,,, Messers,,,, Jeter, Matsui , Rodriguez, Cano, and Matusi - CC get's his 15th,,, and the lead leaving Boston is 7 and a 1/2 games...
Now the Yanks need to continue to win, but I think the race is over,,, with 40 games to go,,,if the Yanks go say 20 and 20 ,,, the Sox would need to go 28 and 12 ,,, and although they will concede nothing, and rightly so,,, they need to turn their attention to the WILD card , where their lead is only one over the Rangers, and 3 over Tampa...
So,, Two cans of Whoop ass are opened in Boston in TWO nights,,,, Can anyone pitch ? - Guess not,,, So , the lead is down to 6 and a 1/2 ,.... Beckett head , and CC tonight,,, hope , its at least a better game,,, a WIN would be nice, but not mandatory,,,,
Well that game was over before it started,,, I always have difficulty assessing a game like this as,, the pitchers that are pitching, might not be - under normal circumstance - and they probably are not throwing the pitches that they are.... IE,,, just throw fastball strikes,,, and I betcha that our 20 will out last your 6,,,, even if you score 6 more,,, and 6 more again,,, so , the AL EAST lead is 7 1/2 ,, 7 - in the loss column,,, and off we go to today,,, Hey - even of BOSTON wins the next 2 - and I don';t think they will,,, they are still 5 and a 1/2 behind,, I am sure REDSOX Nation (don't make me sick) was telling them selves,, "hey, sweep the Yankees and we are right back in it, at 3 and a 1/2 out,,,
Hey,,, SO dummy me thought that you could get FREE WIFI at the Starbucks,,, and maybe you can , cause I did not ask about like IF they had a "public" user Id and password,, other wise they wanted $$$$$ = $3.99 for the session, or $15 or so for 24 hours - not contiguous.... BUT - i used my fancy WIFI finder, and lo and behold a WIFI connection ( not secured ) network shows up as STAPLES,,, now Staples is nearly 300 yards across the parking lot for STARBUCKS ,,, but it connected up just fine! - SO thanks STAPLES for letting me get some work done as I enjoyed by Raspberry Scone, and Iced Coffee this morning !!! Let's take a minute to discuss Mark Teixeira,,, I see an article on the cover of the POST about Derek Jeter being the AL MVP,,, NOW - you all know - I LOVE DEREK !! but let's be real,,, he is not the MVP of he Yankees,,, and I would put MO and Jeets as 3rd , If I had to line 'em up in order of importance ... But Back to TEX,,,, Do you know that Francona, and Epstein (I will spare you my not so nice Nick names for them,, and I actually respect him a little - Francona cause of his comments about Rivera and APPLE BOMB at the All start game last year - setting his boy straight about who should close as he is the best ever and who (MR APPLEBOMB ) needs to rethink his ass-in-nine comments) any way they met with TEX and offered him , I believe $178 Million dollars for 8 years,,,, when the KNEW that he wanted $186,,, If they offer $186 - Tex is a REDSOX ! but nooooooooooooo - in their wisdom they go CHEAP,, and that allows SUPER GENIUS Brain - not a misspelling- Cashman to swoop in and for $182 million makes this guy a Yankee for the next 8 years !! Think about this now,,, Tex a REDSOX,,, those 30 something homers and nearing 100 RBI's for them,,, Nick Swisher is then the Yankees first baseman,,, now Swish is ok,, but TEX is like having Donnie Baseball, or TINO back there , the whole infield is better !! He is like a vacuum over there at 1st....
We can only speculate what this move - and NON move - will mean over the next 8 years , but you have to believe that THEO is kickin him self for not goin the extra million a year and having Mark T. a SOX .....
Now we see why the Yanks Paid Mr Sabathia so much money,,, he certainly has it workin right now,,,, Last night 8 innings,,, 5 hits,, 2 runs, 7 K's and 1 Walk !! nice,,, Jeter,,, the Best Shortstop that there ever was - 3 more hits,,, so that's three games in a row with 3 hits,,, Not bad !!! the lead in the AL East is still at 7 games,,,,
It continues HOT here in the Northeast ,,, maybe some relief over the weekend,,, I have Mowed my grass like 50 times this summer,,, and each time it seems thicker and longer than the last time !! usually by this time of year , its burnt to a crisp,,, but not this year,,, Gee , I hate mowing the Lawn,,, and bugs, Nats, bees, chiggers, horse flys, don't get me started - I hope they all die slow deaths plasted to the front of a car going like 60 miles per hour.
AND ,, I have a COLD,, - ok,, my go ,, could I whine any more,,,, Its. hot,,, I hate bugs,,, grass is too long,,, I'm sick ,,,, Please,,,, get over your self already !!
Ok,, so Rule #1 is that when you let a pitcher go,,, Designated him for assignment,,, YOU don't let him come back a few weeks later, and throw 5 innings of Shutout all against you.... then ZERO runs for the game,, Please.,....
Nationals signed Steve Strasburg,,,, $15 million for a guy that has not thrown pitch number one,,, guess that one is yet to be seen if it's a good deal or poor deal ,.. where is Howie when I need him?
So, the 40th anniversary of Woodstock has passed,,, I am watchin the DVD last night, and disk #2 tonight,,,, here are a few of the performances,,,
1st ,, one of my FAVS is Alvin Lee and Ten Years after,,,, "I'm goin Home"
Turn this one up REAL loud !!!
and SOUL Sacrifice.... Santana !...
I'd be remiss If I left out Arlo.,... man does he look young !
It will be one of the things that we will remember for years,,, you will be able to say that you watched Derek Jeter play .... the guy has down nothing but hustle, and our hustle his competition,, he works harder than anyone else on the team,,, A-rod, and Tex, are right up there with the big time work ethic also,,, so it must be a whole lot easier to manage a team when the guy that the Captain, works so hard, takes extra infield, and batting practice,, just what are the other guys gonna say ??? anyway,, Jeter will be going to Cooperstown one day, but for now,, he remains the Yankee Captain, an ambassador to the game ,,, a guy who spreads around the Kudos when they are available, and takes the blame on his shoulders when they lose,,,, ,,,,
SEATTLE (AP) Yet another Hall of Famer passed and milestone reached for Yankees captain Derek Jeter.
Jeter passed Luis Aparicio for most hits by a shortstop on Sunday when he fought off a pitch on his hands from Seattle rookie Doug Fister and sent it down the right-field line for an RBI double in the third inning of New York's 10-3 loss to the Mariners. His 2,674th hit as a shortstop came two innings after he had singled leading off the game.
"I just try to be consistent year in and year out," said the 35-year-old Jeter, who claimed to be unaware of the record coming into the weekend. "If you are consistent, good things happen.
"It's kind of hard to believe, to say the least."
He had eight hits in 16 at-bats in the four-game series with the Mariners.
Jeter also has 13 hits as a designated hitter in his career. His 2,688 hits are second in Yankees history, 33 behind Lou Gehrig.
Another day,,, More Long ball,,, and another WIN,,,, Things are real good right now in Da Bronx !! Joba sucked,,, he was just not consistent,,, however ,,, Bruney, Coke, Robertson, and Mo, combine for 3 hits, 1 run. Godzilla and JORGE go yard. Shout out ot Pukolis,,, take it like a man,,, and BTW,,, YOUR pitcher HIT their BEST Player FIRST !! Hello,,, Maybe you should charge your dugout, and not the Mound !! Take it as a compliment that they think you are the Redsox Best player and they plunk you,,, and in the back,, not close to the head,,, so Enough,, fix your skirt, and walk down to first base,, hope you get a 50 game suspension !!
Cause everyone LIKES Ortiz then his story is believable, and A-rod is an A$$Hole ?? Please,,,, So the Players union comes out right Before POOpies press conference, and says,,, ummmmmmmmmmm there are false positives on the list of 103,,,, and BTW,,, those false positives "could" have been caused by certain Over the Counter supplements,., Then MR Ortiz steps to the Mikes,, and says,,, Gee lets see... " ummmmmm YES that the ticket,,, "I never bought no steroid, and I never took no steroid,, and I don't know what I failed th test for ,, I took some supplements (wink wink) that might have given me a false positive...",,, and hey I am a nicer guy than the Bastard Rodriguez .......... REALLY,,, and everyone believes him ! I can certainly understand the FANS buying into this,,, but the Media,,, A few issues with the Statement.
1) does not know what he failed for,,, Really - Why don't you tell us what you took, and we will compare that , when the time comes - and it will - to the results that are released, and compare that to what you said,,, LIAR !
2) hummm If I take this supplement - it might give me an alibi later for for the REAL steroid that I have been taking,,,, LIAR
3) Twins just release you cause you can't hit,,, you go to Boston, and become Babe Ruth,, probably just the Baked Beans,,,, LIAR
4) I do think it has been a bit of a perfect storm,,, THE ROIDS that you can't take, the Wrist that won't heal , without the ROIDs, and that guy MANNY that used to protect you in the batting order is now on the West Coast ! LIAR !
Can you SPELL SWEEP??? EssdubyaEEEEEEPEEE.................. too bad I did not BET on this,,, oh wait,,, I DID !!!
Nice,,, ok,, and I think we answered a few questions,,,,
Can the Yankees even beat the SOX,,, GUESS that's a BIG YES !! Does Arod hit in the CLutch ?? YES IS POOPIE a now a LIAR !!! YES Why are we paying AJ, and CC so much money ! This is WHY !
Care to look at the Standing ??? Sorta makes your heart sing .. don't it !! all right,,, still a lot of Ball to be played... no resting... let's get back to it.... oh,, and lets get one more look at YAWZA (whatever) face as A-rod Game Winner goes yard in the 15th ....
1st game in the Majors,,,, worth maybe $300k Pitching in Yankee Stadium - a thrill of a life time Getting Matsui = You're Hero OUT=- Excellent.. Watchin Alex's 573 rd dinger go over the WALL... = Priceless !!
So I missed some of the Middle innings,,, but woke up to see the bottom the 11th to the end of the game,,, You can read the game recap on ESPN's Site,,, but here is what you need to know,,,, Great pitching performances by BOTH teams,,,, Bucket-head eckett, and Alan James were terrific,,,, Beckett went 7 , 4 hits 2 walks , 7 K's,,, AJ went 7 and 2/3 's , 1 HIT (that was BlueBerry leading off the game) 6 walks, 6 K's,,, and then BOTH Bull pens pitched Very Well,,,, Boston used everyone,,,so Tazawa was it,,, Yanks still had, Robertson, and Malacon,,, I think,,,, Any way a Great WIN for the Yankees,,, Alex with a super clutch hit,,, and I think even the SOX fans would admit that they needed this one,,, with TIM OnionField and DICK-A MatsuWACKO on the DL in their hearts they have tot he think that when Beckett and BLisster pitch, they need to WIN... not necessarily tht hey get the WIN , but the TEAM wins,,, So Yanks have the Split that I said they needed - and no I did not check with Cashman or Girardi on this,,, cause now I get greedy,,, A sweep in sight,,, but can't look past today's game,,,
so, 4 1/2 ahead - 4 on the loss side,, and we roll-on,,, BTW - My daughter was at the GAME AGAIN - Geez,, any more and they are gonna ask her to Sit next to Girardi as the Bench coach,,, ahh GOOD FOR HER .,,, I am GREEN with envy !!
In case you missed it,,,,, Here is SIR Alex , doin what he does best,,,, 2 versions -
and SHOUT Out to TAZAWA - IT's a BAD ideas to hang the breaking Ball on the inside,,, #13 is known to turn them around in a rather RUDE fashion !!
and - although I am not a MET fan,, I am a New YORK fan,,, and I really could care less if the METS win or lose unless they are Playing the YANKEES,,, however,,, 2nd blown save in a row for K-rod,, and gives up the GRANNY to Cabrera ... Ouch,,, maybe Billy WAGS will be back soon,,,
======================================================== Does this seem like an Odd headline to anyone but me??
"American Jessica Hardy sets 100 breast world mark"
Well,, so no day off,,, but I don't expect to be here very long.,.,.but ,,,
Schmultz pitched as he was spose to,,, got hammered,,, Joba,,, not that good with just 5 innings,,, but a WIN is a WIN , specially over the Bosox.... and Matsui - who can't run at all beats out the throw for the Double play, then Jorge hits one WAAAAYYY out,, and that's your ballgame .... and Yanks up by 3.5 ,,,, Melky Mantle, Tex, and Damon also Go deep.... so that was what I think was the important Game,,, no more questions on Can't beat this team,,, and you get Bucket-Head tonight,,, .vs Alan James,,,, I will take my chances,,,, another plus ,,, No Hughes, and No Mariano last night,,,
Two Special selections for Today - Grey Street
I could not find Crescent Moon,,, so you get Trinity Revisited...
Ok,, so lets get this out there up front BEFORE the Games Begin,,,
the Greatest rivalry in sports starts up again tonight in the BRONX ! the RedSox are in town,,,, the Yankees lead the Sox in the AL east by 2 anda 1/2 games - 2 games on the loss side (that's the important part) .... The Match ups are as Follows:
At the very LEAST - and I mean LEAST - Yanks have to Split,,,, take 2 of the 4 and moveon,,, prove you can Beat the Redsox,,, Don't get blow put of any of these games,, and no getting shutout / shutdown by any one - except maybe - Mr Beckethead...
Very Hard to Sweep 4 games series,,, so th Bombers "should" take 3 of 4,, only loss to Beckett- head - and Losing 3 of 4 is just unacceptable,,, SO Sit back get ready,,,and let's have some Fun,,, Care to throw down a wager on the series,,,, >???
Oh, and BIG POOPIE will be hearing it from the Creatures !! "Hey is that a needle stickin out of your ASS" ??? "Hey Poopie,,, I got your "CLEAR" right up here,,,, you and Manny sharing more then just the Needle,,, maybe shooting each other in the BUTT"??? OH yea .,.,.
I am reminded that today - August 5th - Joan Benoit won the USA's 1st Women's Marathon trial in preparation for the 1984 Olympics - where she won the first Olympic women's marathon in a time of 2:24.52 in hot and smoggy conditions. Joan also won Marathons in Boston, and Chicago,,, and Held the World record time for many years at both events,,, despite her career being plagued by injury to her Knees and Achilles ,,,
on a Personal note,,, a "Brush with Greatness" I met and shook Joan's hand at a Corporate challenge race in Albany a few years back,,, she ran with the throng on the 3.5 mile course,, although she mostly Jogged while shaking hands and Waving to the folks on the street,,,She was very accommodating about photos, and even seemed surprised that people were excited about meeting her,,, a True American Legend !
Can a Simple thing like a LID that don't fit right RUIN my day,,,, It tried !!
But , I was quicker than the coffee was.. Did a save - I have no Idea how the lid "pops" off and the cup falls nearly 6 inches back into the Cup holder,,, and essentially NO Coffee Spills. I am tellin you inanimate objects are out to GET ME !! I know tht friggin Iron Door stop jumped right into my path when I was exiting the Bedroom this morning,,,
Beating Buhrle and Halliday in Back to back games,, no easy Feat,,, Andrew is just a Bulldog that way,,, great pitching,,, and Hey Joe G. Stop with the 4 out saves huh,,, we are hopefully gonna need those pitches Back in Mo's arm come Oct ... Let Phil finish the 8th innings,,, you can see that he is getting nervous in these games,,,
Shout out to Even L ... We Love you !!! At least for Today !!! Back to a Game and Half,,,
I really hope they play well, and WIN the 4 game series in the Bronx this weekend,, Gotta show you can do .vs the big boys at some point - right ??
Stilla bit outta sorts,,, but getting better ,, DAMN Ranch dressing !!
Lets go for Fighting of the FOO...
Times Like these...............
Ok,, let's go with "Walkin After You"
and if someone asks - and can wave that wand my way,,, I'd like to be able to play the Guitar , so I can do Dave Grolsch songs,,,
There is no time for my run or my Gym time to blow off steam, and reduce the overall stress level in this office !! Guess I cannot complain to loudly ,,,as the GUYS always cover for me when I leave , and I am out,,, - When am I out??
September 19th can't get here soon enough ,,,,
Till then,,, Here is the Calendar for tomorrow !! Anyone wanna "Rep" me at any meeting ?? Hey , have 1/2 hour from 11:30 to 12:00 , then another 1/2 from 12:30 to 1:00pm !! I wonder if I showed up to the Noon time update in my road runner stuff anyone would notice ?!?!?!?!?!
OK,, enter and sign in as to what meeting you are going to go to for ME !!
Oh boy,,,, so still 1/2 up,,, and seeing Halliday tomorrow,,, Melk man delivers,,, 1st Cycle since Tony Fernandez back in 1995 ~ congrats to Melky,,,, He is now part of Baseball history,,,,
My professional life at this point can be illustrated this way....
There is just no time today to spend on this ,,, so ,,I will do the easy thing, and get right to it.................
Thurman Lee Munson (June 7, 1947 – August 2, 1979) Yankee Captain,,, from 1969 - 1979 . Munson was killed at age 32 while trying to land his personal airplane. He was a 7 time all star.,,, 2 time World champion, Rookie of the the year in 1970,,, AL MVP in 1976... His Locker remains to this day in the New Yankee Stadium,,, and Number 15 has been retired By the Yankees. A true Warrior,,, as a player, and devoted Family man,,, Thurmon is missed to this day,,, and you only need to hear the applause and see the Standing ovation that His wife Diane when she is introduced at the Stadium to understand what the Fans, though then, and continue to think of him today...
Windy City, and Gettin Blown away
Three & a Half to a HALF, OMG - Gettin blown away in the Windy City,, and losing more games on this road trip,,,, they are now what 2 and 4 ,,, one more with ChiSox, a day off , and 2 in Toronto .......... oh,, and did I mention,,, Buehrle (he of Perfection recently) and then Doc Holliday,,, yea - this don't look too good,.... maybe they can get Doc to switch dugouts BEFORE Tuesday,,, and he can pitch Against the Blue Jays instead of for them !! Now that would be a News story...
The Best Laid Plans of Mice & Men often go Astray So, as If the week was not going to be challenging enough,,, we are adding meetings, and audit comebacks to my already overbooked Schedule. !!
Am I whining,,, I guess I am,,,,, no tissues needed ,,,YET !