Saturday, June 20, 2009

weeeeeeeeeeee Ohhhhhhhhh

Finally hitting, and pitching in the same game,,,, hats off to Andrew,,, Pitched a nice game,,, had a hit, and an RBI !!! yowza,,,,

Ok, and here we go again,,, ESPN Friggin Stupid Headline ... "YANKS SIT FATIGUED A-Rod " ! Please ,,, then man has played every game since returning from Surgery,,, Deserves day or two off,,,, and I admit he needs it, Al is struggling with the bat,,,, BUT that is not a HEADLINE,,,, unless ESPN is going to tell us Every player that was not in the line up for last nights games !! A$$holes !

A quick look up north,, and I think the League has caught up to Suzie,,Mr Dice-K (DICK A) ,,, what's he now like 1 and 5 ,, with an ERA over EIGHT ! and a WHIP of 2.2 ,,, near 60 hits in 35 innings,,, and we think Joba is having issues,,,,

A funny scene from ELR,,,,,

and ,,,,,,,,,,, Not gonna catch the midnight rider !

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