Saturday, June 27, 2009

CC Thunderstorms, and Boz Scaggs

CC rocks the SchMETS,,,, and OMG,,, they sorta threw the game away in the 2nd inning... I never watch the Mets , unless its Johan pitching,,,, are they really this bad defensively??? Dave Wright is better than that error... and what was with that 1st base ump??? Called ever check swing a strike... that did show you how good CC's Breaking pitchers were.....

Anyway - 9 -1 good win,,, Gardner 5 for 6 ,,, who needs Jeter !! And Al hits one out ! nice! Plus CC gets a Hit and an RBI, and Scores a run !!! Ya think he uses the same tailor as Boomer Wells for the fitting of his uniform ???

Boz Scaggs..... You should check out Boz Greatest his live CD and DVD....excellent ! Plenty more of these on YouTube.....

Just the link,, but check out Harbor Lights...

Lido Shuffle


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