Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sheldon, & Leonard Nimoy - BANG !!

Suck,,,, SUCK.........SUCK,,,,, ok that about sums it up.... Oh , and shout out to Swisher,,, if you catch it in the AIR ,.,,, it's an OUT !!! and maybe 2 and 2 thirds is the new 7 .............

Ok,, for those who know the show,,, click away and enjoy the video clip,,,, I have only watched a few of these shows,,, but this is an extremely funny scene,,,

For those who are unfamiliar,,,,,here is what you need to know.,..

Sheldon is a major league oddball,,, and a HUGE Trekie!!! He has devised the perfect plan for giving Penny a Christmas gift,Sheldon has purchased several gift baskets of increasing value so that he is "prepared" for whatever Penny gives him - his return gift will be of Equal value. ,, he will wait till she gives him the gift,,, then excuse himself, and return with her gift of Like value to what he just received,,,

Things,, however,, do not go as planned,,,

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