Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday - UGH

Good Morning, good morning,,, I'd like to say Good Morning !!

BUT I CAN't ,,, oh my ,, this is gonna be a day,,,

A) if there is a spot that is not sore on this body,, I can't find it

B) Work is a mess,,, and I am covering for DAMN near everyone still,,

C) It's Cyber Monday!

D) I already have a head ache !!  and it's like 5am !!

Ok, enough all ready,,, maybe things get better later,,, BUT don't count on it,,,  ok is that depressing enough for YA !??  Really ok,,, Hey remind me,,, although I don't know how you will do that , about the Best Cheese burger that I have ever had,,, Out Side of Le Cellier at EPCOT ...

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