Friday, October 30, 2009

Saved by Harry .....

So,,, I have been digging around  this InterWeb,,, (thanks to Al Gore) looking for Information, data, Music, Lyrics, Friends, Schoolmates, Videos, etc etc,,,, The application of YouTube has a vast library of Videos on all Subjects , Clips of Homemade stuff,,, amature Video maker, perhaps the next Francis ford Copola,,?? Music artists that I have been enbedding here for a year now,,,

This afternoon a revalation,,,, Videos that I did not know existed,,,, I have chronicled the Many times that I,, and we saw Harry Chapin,,,  and if you look back to November of 2008 blog,,, that tells the tale of the Civic Center Concert where Harry had no voice,,,so, the Audience sang the songs,,,,   anyway.... today, I found Songs, Live Video from a  concert in Germany,,,, Chapin Lives !!!   If Music can save you,,, this set ,this group of Songs, this artist .. these songs,, and video saved me ,, at least for today...

I hope you have time over the next days and weeks to listen, and watch,,, and relisten ... I loved  Harry,.... hope you enjoy these,,.. 

oh yea,,,, I pasted in a few But Just copy and paste that Title "Harry Chapin - Roclpalast Live" in the search field, and you will get all the Videos !!!

It's Harry, and Steve Chapin - Piano, BIG John Wallace - Bass,  Howie Fields - Drums , Doug Walker - Elect Guitar, and Kim Scholes on Cello.....  

Here is Shooting STAR... She was the moon ,, shining back his light a little,......

Six String Orchestra..... This was how Harry used to start  his concerts,,,, and he would add each guy as the song went on,,,,,,

Hope you enjoy these and Watch 'em all, and Remember Harry Chapin !

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