Thursday, October 22, 2009

In place of anything really intellegent....

I have a whole 10 minutes to get in todays entry.,.. and after 3 15+ hour days,,, I am slippin out early today,,, gotta get some "around the house work" completed befroe what looks like a weekend of Rain,,, and any way  - I am busy with other things,,, ghost busters was on last night,,, I just love that Movie,,, don't know why I watch it as I know every line.,....

Phillies are in the Series,,, hopefully the Yankess can finish off LA tonight, and set up their rotation for the Phillies,,, and Game one,,, this will be no easy task ,, they have some hitters in that dugout !!  good news is the  Philles Park yields almost as mnay homeruns as "THE Stadium"  does,....

I caught a few from Joan,,, Not the best version of Willow,,, and I will leave you to Sing along.,...  a few of the shows we have been at,,,, You cna see tears in Joan's eyes at the end of the Audience Singing ....  God I love this woman!

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