Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Choose.. hummm ... So Ya Wanna manage in the BIG Leagues

Ok ,,, so you wanna manage in the "BIGS",,,

this weeks,,, really next weeks,,, decison is who starts in GAME 4 .vs the HALOS????

Fri 10/16, Gm 1,  CC Sabathia
Sat 10/17, Gm 2,   AJ Burnett

Mon 10/19, Gm 3,  Andy Pettitte

Tue 10/20, Gm 4, CC on 3 DAYS rest or GAUDIN 

Thu 10/22, Gm 5 AJ on Normal rest

Sat 10/24, Gm 6 Andy on Normal rest

Sun 10/25, Gm 7  CC on Normal rest

IF you chose Gaudin,,, then everyone backs up a game,,, and you get CC in Game 5 on 6 days rest,,, AJ game 6 on 7 days rest, and Andrew game 7 on 6 days rest,,,,, also consider the WHAT is the Series at for game 4 - what if YER down 0-3 and this is it win or go home ? Even 2-1 - Angels can take a strangle hold by going up 3-1 ..... Interesting ain't it !

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