Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who knows - really???

I this what there is ??? All there is ?? What do you think ??? Heaven , Hell awaits us??? Reincarnation?? do we end up among the stars,,, and look down at the living,,, or Meeting 40 virgins (good luck with that ) DO we end up coming back as an animal??? or in the Garden in the Sweet Peas,,,

I think NOT.,.... I think that here and now is here and now,,, That's it... No final reward,, no after life,.,, This is it ... No great all seeing GOD - what ever your name is for him.. Jesus, Buddha , Mohamed,,,, to go bond with at the end,....

Clearly ,, No one KNOWS the answer,,, we are just here doing the best that we can to live an acceptable life,,, work,, have some fun,,,, and leave it better than we found it,,, Hope our children carry on what we tried to start, although they are usually on their own path.... anyway,, Would we live different if we actually KNEW one way or the other. What would you change? and shouldn't you change anyway ???? And I don't mean become Religious... that ever that means...Seems to me there are as many no good bastards in this world that would call them selves "religious" and then act like a MULE... So perhaps,, the WWJD phrase is appropriate,, think that way ,, WWJD.,.. and do that... Even if you never enter or church or utter a prayer,,,

So for now ,,, I chose to "Let the Mystery be".....

and one from Michael, and Natalie....

Give 'm what they want ...

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