OR,, get your meat hooks off MY coffee.....
Two guys walk into a Bar... Wait,,, not that joke,,, two guys walk into Bread Alone,,, #1 guy, can't help but note that #2 guy seems pissed that he is not #1 Guy in line,,, #1 orders,,, then 2nd counter person arrives,,, #2 orders,,, and steps in front of #1 guy ,....
#2 guy gets his order,,, sips his coffee whilst awaiting his Daily Bread,,, and after sipping,, he Bitches to the #2 counter help that this Double Cappachino, Latte Grandee Espresso tastes more like COFFEE and CREAM !!
At this point the 1st counter person helping the #1 Guy comes back with his muffin, and says,,, "any thing ELSE?" , and which point #1 Guy (me) says,,, "Yes - I'll have another Large coffee - seein as Mr "In-a-Big Effing Hurry" here grabbed mine, drank out of it, and is now complaining that it tastes like Coffee and Cream - which it is ! and not his Double Cappichino whatever !!"" Because UNSEEN counter person #3 is Still making #2 Guys Drink ! - Then I was glad to see that they made him wait some more cause I think she - Counter person #2 - accidentally - on purpose dropped his Hard roll on the ground and had to start over,,,,,,
Two words come to mind .... ASS HOLE !!
From the Huffington Posts - Dan Dubno
News of Walter Cronkite's death did not come as a surprise. For more than a month, his close friends and family made it clear the former CBS News anchorman was gravely ill and would not recover. That his passing coincided with the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing is less a surprise than a cosmic alignment. In the days ahead, we will celebrate the men who first walked on the moon and the anchor who took us there with them. As we mourn "the most trusted man in America" we also mourn the kind of television news that no longer exists.
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