Tuesday, July 14, 2009


All right you chipmunks ! what the heck is goin on ?? Who ordered this weather? - well, whoever did needs an AWARD !! 48 degrees at 4am on the Time/Temp at Marist college !!

Ok,, what was the cop car doing stopped in the middle of 9G with NO lights on? I am not talking no "I am pulling you over lights" I mean NO LIGHTS !! and in a Dark Spot.,,, Who was this guy SECRET AGENT MAN? Manix,,, CAR 54 ??? One Adam 12 ?? for those older bloggers ....
any way ,, I saw him,, but geez,,, come on put the lights on,,,

All Star Breaks stink, ! Who cares really, ?>?? Actually gave me time to watch the 1st Disk of Big Bang Theory from Season ONE,,, this is a funny Show !!

Who is SMARTER ???

Opening Song by BNL..........

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