Monday, July 13, 2009

3 and OUT !

Well, from Tyed Dyed to 3 and out ,, that was quick..... SO, As long as we don't have to play either the Angels, or the Redsox in the play offs - Yanks are going to the World Series,, maybe we can just play some AAA teams, and beat up on them.,.. Exactly when do they step up and beat a Team that Counts !

Ok, so this is 8 in row,,,, and the way my calendar looks - I can Maybe, perhaps count a 1/2 for tomorrow .......... i need a long rest,,, and that ain't happening till September ! will I make it that long ???

Its Katie and Iggy - hummmmmmmmm another Redhead.

and Kate with REM,,,, back with Michael still had hair !

All right move it ! All you Happy people over there, ALL you Shiny people over here !

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