Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In which many things are resolved,,,, or....


For those that are unfamiliar, ,,this is a very interesting Blog to read,, only updated on Sunday,,, Post Secret Blogspot is a popular site with visitors in the hundred of thousands,,. There are also several books, and tours that grew from this,,, and I understand it not unusual to find that someone has left their secret in a book on the shelf at your local book store,,,

A favorite quote,,,,
Martin, it's all psychological.............You yell "Barracuda", everybody says, "Huh? What?" You yell "Shark" , we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

From the Talisman
"You got a job, Travellin' Jack," Speedy told him. "A job that ain't gonna let you go, and that's the Lord's truth. I wish it was different."

A win,,, CC pitches well,,, and the offense plays along,,,, Bosox win so we stay one out,,,

I hope you have time to listen to today's selections,,,

One of the Best performers,,, and a bit of a character ! Is Joe Walsh,,, he has the some of the best Album titles,,, "SO WHAT",,, "THERE GOES the Neighborhood". "The Smoker you Drink the Player you get", "But-Seriously" , and "GOT ANY GUM ??" !

This is Help thru the Night - with the Eagles

and "Learn to be Still" from Eagles ... Hell Freezes Over.

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