Everyone who e-hats the Summer (Bugs, Heat, Lawn Mowing) ... Raise Your Hand !!

JOBA rules,,,,, well, even though I was not a proponent of Putting him into the rotation,,, Joba has ruled the last ,,, I'll say 3 starts,,, with an ERA of under ONE ! He went 6,7, and shut out the Rays for 8 innings last night,,, And - not that I want to see anyone hurt, & these guys need to learn to throw at Batters Butts, not their heads,,, I love the pitch over Shortgoria's head,,, Yankees have been getting hit for years - Jeter especially - and no one does anything about ,,, we had Mooooseena who would not throw inside if you bet him to do it ! AND - Hats off to Mr Shortgoria,,, he poo-pooed it,,,, says ,, ah,,, "all part of the Game" right,, and Garza hitting Tex,,, OK too,,, let's just get these pitches down to the Wallet and not the Helmet !
Did I mention that the Lead is 3 and a 1/2 games ??? and that the Greatest franchise in sports history is tied for the Best Record in Baseball.... DID I forget to mention that??? hummmm
Are the Sox getting desperate enough to trade more players for Doc Halliday ???
A personal Note for all you constant readers - I am actually taking two days in row off - OMG , the Stock will pr0bably drop like a stone ! One day for me, and one day at the Tivoli day Outreach ,, come visit the Doggies, and Cats at the MAU - Mobile Adoption Unit - in Tivoli !!
The BOSS..................
Martha,,,, and the Vandellas................. Heat Wave
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