so today if you look over your shoulder ,,,, you will see the SECOND place Boston RedSox,,, Gee - does that mean the Boys from the Bronx are in FIRST PLACE ??!!??? They were down 3 games goin into the Allstar break,,, and now just 5 games into the "2nd half" they are a game up ,,,,and all is now right with the world,,,, need to enjoy it - at least for a day !
and it was Beckett-Head that lost yesterday !! I am feeling even Better,,, and not that I want to see anyone hurt,,,, but is that Tim Leachfield heading to the DL ,,awwwwwwwwww... I feel tewibble !!
what else,,, ??? We need to discuss Internet hoaxes, and Outright BS that flies around , and is forwarded by some of the best meaning people,,, even those you know,,, when,, please it only needs to take a minute to check out Snopes, or any of the Hoax buster sites to see that what you are sending to your family and Friends is just plain BS,,, No fact , just someone idea of what would make a great rumor , or a nice "American" story ,, supporting someones political agenda,,,,

the one I got recently was about Lt. Oliver North testimony at the Senate hearing back in 1986/87 time frame and the Email quoted him as spending $60K on a security system for his home cause his was scared that Osama bin Laden was going to harm him and his family.,, Terrific story,,, but just that A Story,, oh yes,,, Ollie did testify before congress ,,, and he was asked about a $16K expense for security on his home,,, only saying that it was for his family's protection,,,
FACTS - in the late 80's Like it or not bin Laden was little known in the Government,, but what was known was that he was a US backed "Freedom Fighter" in Afghanistan,,,, bin Laden only came to hate the Us after the Gulf war in 1991 .... and Lt, North may have been worried about a terrorist,,, but NOT Bin Laden,,, a guy names Abu Nidal who was more involved in Terrorism in the Middle east than Osama at that time...
SO ,, next time - check the story out,,, don;t forward email with Fraud Warnings, Cell phone charge warnings,,, don't flash your headlights, etc,etc, without 1st checking them out,,, as the NON virus part of this Crap, is that WE continue to perpetrate it for years .... emailing each other with the same junk !!