Let me make this quick,........ I have tried to stay away from the news - a bit - but some stories keep popping up...
Know this : The "Chairman of the Joint Chiefs" acts as the chief military advisor to the president and the secretary of defense.
F&%*$er Carlson of Fox (what they call) News,,, said this about the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs... That - and I quote - go look it up on your own ! labelled the US 's top US army general “stupid” and a “pig”.. that after questioning his position ,... "He didn’t get that job because he’s brilliant or because he’s brave ....” This from a so called news agency that touts itself as "backing the Blue" and in support of the Military ...
So while you are posting BAT SHIT CRAZY stuff about the former POTUS and counting yourself as a defender of the Military and the FLAG and the Pledge of allegiance... remember this.
So - F&%*$er ! Let's just look at General Mark Milley's Military Service... He is an Army Ranger and Green Beret, Milley has extensive combat experience including three deployments to Afghanistan as well as combat tours in Iraq, Somalia, Panama, and Colombia. Fucker also belittled Milley’s intellectual abilities : the general holds degrees from Princeton University, Columbia University, and the U.S. Naval War College. Miley also graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ‘s Seminar XXI National Security Studies Program. hummmmmmm
so among others and listed below -
Defense Distinguished Service Medal (2) Army Distinguished Service Medal (4) Defense Superior Service Medal (3) Legion of Merit (3) Bronze Star Medal (4) |
And if you do not know what all those things are that are pinned to his chest... Let me save you the time to look them up .....
this is the Left Side:
The Right Side"
And he also has an Expert Rifleman's badge and 10 Bars for Overseas deployment.
You can decide who you support - and what names you are willing to have them called.
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