Monday, July 12, 2021

Stormy Monday

 there have been about 500 games in Baseball this year - where heading into the Ninth inning one team was ahead by 4 or more runs,,,  495 games  to be exact...  the Team leading by those 4 or more runs has won 493 of the games,,, a Record of 493 wins and 2 Losses ,,, ONE Team owns  BOTH of those losses - I'll give ya three big guesses what team that is.  

And the latest loss is how to turn what would have been a HUGE pickup - a Booster .. for a 5 and 1 Road Trip,,,, a Sweep of the Astors in Houston into a Piece of SHIT,,,,  Chapman's ineffectiveness and the Injury to Zack Britton and Loaisiga have really impacted that Bullpen...   While I am looking forward to attending a few Yankee Games,,, I can foresee  Early Exits from the stadium to Catch whatever MetroNorth Train Back home !!


While I listen to a GOP Republican representative say that "we" don't want any Government handout... Don't NEED them !   OK - so what are top ten states taht receive the MOST back in Federal Aid based on what they pay in .....  9 of the TOP ten are RED states...  there they are  - the $$ numbers are whet the state gets back from the FEDS per every dollar they pay in ....  THEY - the GOP - KNOW you are not smart enough to do your own research - they KNOW you won't ,,,,,     

OH - NY State ?? - we get back $.70 (Seventy Cents)  back in FED $$ for every Dollar we pay in,,,,

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