Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Truth


The most dangerous Liars are the ones that think they are telling the Truth.

The Truth is like the sun ,, you can block it out,,, but it's still there.

IF you tell the Truth , you don;t need to remember anything.

They are just angry , because the Truth you speak contradicts the LIE that they Live.

AS I have said, & I ain't that smart -  

NOTHING can be accomplished till we tell the TRUTH &  Use FACTS !

Hey - did I say that John Hall has a new Album,,, well then leme say it, or say it again.,.. He Does.

This is Alone too Long.. from RECLAIMING MY TIME

Check him out.... I have been listening to John's Music for ,, hummm,..from around 1975.  45 years

This is an old one,,, Time Passes on ,, that's the Late Larry Hoppen,, Lance Hoppen on Bass, and John.

Wells Kelly - Orleans drummer - had already passed from a Drug overdose...

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