Sunday, August 1, 2021

WE must be stupid

 SO what we have is a Pamnemic surge of the unvaccinated.   I have heard numbers of upwards of 90%of the Seriously sick in hospitals and ICU's this includes those that are intubated, are unvaccinated,, and over 97% of the dead in the past weeks across the country are also - unvaccinated...   you have to have noticed that the messaging from the anti Vax - or Previously anti vaxx media  - is now that you should get vaccinated,,  I guess the conservative media has figured out that people that are really sick or get really sick or DIE from the 'Delta "rona virus are far less likely to vote Republican ,, specially those that have died !! 

plus they are trying to give us an unapproved experimental drug  in that vaccine! Humm - would that be similar to the Unapproved treatments that YOUR Potus received when he got the Virus !??  Like that ??  and whats the end game there - those Stupid Democrats ! they can;' get any thing done ! Boy are they Dumb !  HEY - except they engineered a World Wide Pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands, and  crippled the Medial facilities across the Country and the Globe ! Then they made the Former POTUS develop a vaccine that they now believe turns them magnetic !  and some even have microchips in the vaccine to control the Brain! 

This is all to say nothing of those Stupid DEMS - perpetrating an election fraud so wide spread across the country and so devious that many states (well just the ones that DUMP lost) do not even know it ! their GOP Governors and state legislators, and Lieutenant Gov's are tottally fooled  ! boy are those DEMS Dumb ! 

And the Anti Maskers -  You have to ASK WTF !? Whats the end game her,,, is the Democratic Party out to sell everyone Masks >??? What is the End game - OMG - you have to wear a cloth on your face ... SO Fucking what ! " Oh the DEMS are trying to control us" Control you to do what ! Wear a mask ?? DO you understand how stupid that sounds....   

And OH - Listen ,,I am a free American,, I Can do what I want in this country,,, Wear a Mask or not ,,, VAXX or not,, and the Government can't tell me what to do !  WE are FREE.... Well except for those people that own private businesses and say that to enter their business I have to wear a mask,  or be vaccinated - they are NOT free to tell me what to do ! Those free Americans can't do that ! 

No shirt - No Shoes = NO Service .  That is OK - but not no MASK !!  those restaurants and clubs that have dress codes,, Ties , collared shirts, Jackets and Dresses or Fancy Pants suits for the Women - that is ok - that is their right to do that ,, BUT MASKS - NO NO NO NO ....... THEY can't do THAT!

And we support the Police - 100% .... Back the BLUE ! all the Way... Except for those liars that testified before the Congress last week and said that the people that attacked the Capital tried to (and in some cases succeeded ) to kill them, assault them, MACE them with Bear Spray , beat them with Fire Extinguishers, Crush them in door ways, those Police officers are lying,,  but hey BACK the BLUE (not them though) 

And we respect the flag - except for the part of FLying it in the dark , dragging on the ground on the back of our truck, setting in on equal standing with other flags. and Defacing it by painting a face of a former POTUS on it .  Except for that - We respect the FLAG. 

and we support the Constitution - all the amendments - the 1st amendment gives us the right to say anything we want, protest how we want ....   we would up hold that Constitution - except where people disagree with us ! Those people do NOT have the right to do that ! They can't Kneel in protest,, they can't say things like that,, that's not Free Speech - unless they agree with US ! 

AND USA !! USA  !!- America 1st ! and Only - but not that US women'e soccer team - not that Men's basketball team,,  I was glad / Happy to see them LOSE ! America 1st  Always ! (except for them) 

OK - and one of the Tell Tale signs that the person you are discussing things with, or have disagreement with   - has not done their own investigation of how things work - the sign is when they say - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH ! that tells ya - they are listening to FOX .... and Fucker Carlson and not doing their own research..... 


From the Ed Sullivan show - oh yea that is from '67!!

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