Friday, June 18, 2021

Travel advice

 Greetings !!!

So today I am looking for some travel advice,,,,, We are thinking of  vacationing near the Nations Capital - Washington D.C. - and would like to go see the Actual Capital  building ....  Now I know usually you would contact Travelocity, Expedia  maybe the National Parks service...etc ,...  But I am hearing now that other groups might make better tour guides... SO - I am a bit confused,,,, Should I contact the GOP directly  ?? or work thru some of the GOP senators ?? The Proud Boys ???  or maybe Antifa and the BLM folks ??  Or just go right to the FBI themselves .???

And secondly - on our tour will we need to bring our own Bats, Clubs, Pipes, Pepper spray ? Or will we be able to get them there ?  

Some of the photos that I have seen show huge crowds .... are there some days that are better than others to visit and are there FAST PASSES like Disney uses to get you to the Front of the line,,,   ? do I need a reservation ? Must I  scale a wall to get in or is that an option...,, or just walk up the front door and Break the Window?

 Is the Buffalo head and Horns a MUST HAVE or  what ?

and truth be told ,,,, I am not really asking for me  - it's advice for a  Friend.... 

When will be tired of hearing people lie to us ... trying to rewrite the narrative of what we saw. and what we continue to see ? Until there are men and women that are willing to put Country before Party - until there are  men and women that are willing to tell the truth regardless of how it affects them politically.  

Until then ...............  You keep believing the Lies that are out there and see where that gets us.....

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