Tuesday, June 15, 2021

If you think the Hitting has been been bad - all you need to do is look at the Pitching,...


Wanna know how bad the Yankee hitting is - look at Team Pitching stats ...

TEAM PITCHING :  they have the 3rd best in ERA and Runs allowed in the AL &  2nd best in WHIP  - that's Walks & Hits per innings pitched... 

They are  Minus 7 in run differential - 
That means their opponents have outscored them by  total of 7 runs.

  The teams that rank just behind them in pitching stats are +50 and + 86 in run differential . Meaning that those teams have outscored their opponents by 50 and 86 runs respectively. 

To be -7 in run diff when your team pitching is near the best in the league means you ain't hitting $hit!!

2ndly today - I now have a new game to play ,,,, it's called how many of those Dryer Balls - yea we don;t use sheets anymore , we have these Soft Balls that roll around in the dryer - so it's how many will jump out of the Dryer onto the Floor when I empty the Dryer ?!?!?!?   This is a 2 part game -  a  Final ball ride to freedom  -   it's how may that did not make the leap to the celler floor then wrapped themselves up in the clothes,,, working their way down a sleeve or inside a shirt to be carried up stairs.  You are thinking geez - is this all this guy has to worry about  ?!?!?!?  NOT all , but - yea sure....

A Couple from John Hiatt

Buffalo River Home

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