Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Why it's happening.....

 I think that what we are seeing manifest itself in todays society is the result of a POTUS that for four years plus,, made it acceptable  (in someones mind) to mistreat others that you presume are below you. 

To berate retail clerks, and cashiers that are doing their jobs enforcing, the Government or the Store Policies regarding Mask wearing or Other Covid related restrictions - like that person makes the Policy.  Being a KAREN to others that you think you are better than - and now you see Flight attendants taking some of that shit from people...  That you agree to wear the Mask on the plane then think you are better than others by doing s you damn well please .. The POTUS made that ok - in their minds - by insulting reporters, and bullying others to get his way...   He made that OK .... He made fun of others, including those with special needs,  and then by calling COVID the China Virus....  

It's gonna take a while to turn this around...

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