Let's talk a bout a few things.........
Why the F does it take DAYS for the GOP folks to condemn that Marjory Taylor Greene's statements about the Vaccine cards being similar to the Gold stars that the Nazi made Jews wear back in that day.
Huh?? WTF ?? So being identified by a group of insane people so that they could commit genocide and kill Millions of Jews in concentration camps is the same as ,,,,,well Fucking ANYTHING ??!! She is simply NUTS !! but it took days for those in the GOP to come out and say it ....
We are close to the tipping point on HATE on America,.. we attack Asians because they had something to do with the Corona Virus .... yea right - people that have been in the US and in many cases ARE US citizens had something to do with COVID -19 ... and BTW - we are so damn stupid that we are attacking ,,, Japanese, Koreans,, Vietnamese,. like they are ALL Chinese!! Don;' tor Can't figure pout who is who -
Blacks are under attack by the GOP as they pass legislation to limit their access to voting - so that in future elections, they will not be able to or have a much harder time voting ,,,, Back to the JIM CROW laws = if you don't know what that is - GO LOOK !!
Women are under attack by States passing anti Abortion laws that will severely limit a woman's access to those services..... Look at the pictures of the Legislatures in the States and the Governors of those states signing the bills,,,, a bunch of Middle aged white guys - deciding what a women can or can't do with her body ! and this Fall - the supreme court has decided to take on Row .v Wade in the most serious challenge to that ruling on Decades,,, the Conservatives finally getting what they want with a court that is tilted in that direction.. I don;t thing the case has a chance of holding up .... Row .V Wade will be overturned,, and then the real fight will begin for those who want that service to be relegated essentially to back room abortion services.... an ugly and dangerous period will follow that court battle...
Thoughts and Prayers ...Thoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and PrayersThoughts and Prayers
there - I have now addressed 20 or so of the next mass shootings in this country,.. cause that's all that gonna get done.... those that take money - blood money - from the NRA - to keep the guns laws in place as they are... no change needed - are culpable for the deaths that these maniacs cause,.... It's not really IF there will be a shooting event in your state or community,,, but when and how bad... This second amendment bull shit is just that ...... read the Amendment ..... BTW - this strictly an American Phenomenon - other countries do not have these - JUST US - you know as American as Apple Pie !!
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The GUN folks don't read the first four words... Let's ask what Well Regulated Militia were the shooters a part of ??? I
I still see DUMP 2020 and DUMP 2024 signs and flags !! WTF ?!?!? Why ?? and We recently traveled South and saw some places flying the Battle Flag of the Confederacy ..
The Confederate States of America was a collection of 11 states that seceded from the United States in 1860 following the election of President Abraham Lincoln. Led by Jefferson Davis and existing from 1861 to 1865, the Confederacy struggled for legitimacy and was never recognized as a sovereign nation. After suffering a crushing defeat in the Civil War, the Confederate States of America ceased to exist.
These were people that fought to END the United States as we know it. They took up arms against the Union,, they seceded from the US ... they then attacked and killed Union soldiers,,, thousands of them. Imagine this today, What would we think - what happened to the AMERICA FIRST (and only) thinking ? Convenient thinking rules the day - we choose to forget what ever does not fit our agendas.
and let's talk about this Vote by the Senate to NOT support a commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the Capital.... Remember Benghazi - and attack on an American embassy - now that small portion of US land was on foreign soil, I think that 4 Americans died in the attack ,, the GOP led senate at that time launched 10 separate investigations ,,,, that all came to the same conclusion , yes - this was a horrible attack on America, but not preventable by ANYONE in the US... 10 Investigations. January 6th was an attack on a US institution - the Capital of the United States ON US SOIL - but the GOP votes to NOT perform ANY investigations ! YOU can tell me..... What the Actual F is that about !?
and if anyone asks the Question about the Difference between Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Josh Pauly, and a Steaming pile of Shit ?? you know the Correct Answer ,,,, There is NO Difference !!
All right thats all I can think about today,...
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