Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Weird ,,, huh ???

Is it  a sing from God ???  What are the odds of it ???  Has it happen before?? to Who ???

Ok, so except Don Imus,, I do not listen to much radio,,,, I have my Ipod, and I listen to that in the car,,, just put it on Shuffle and the 2000 songs play them selves out.....  SO today,, I get to the Planet Fitness,,, bout 6:45 give ot taken,,,  and theI-pod is playin "Town Called Malice" by the Jam.... from 1982,,, a perfectly forgettable Band, and Album - THE GIFT.....  but I always liked the song,.,, from 1982 mind you,....going on 28  years ago...   As I am walkin into the GYM,..,.. what song is playing on Planet Fitness radio as they call it ,,,, TOwn Called Malice,,,  I know,,, you are now a-scared !  Really whats the possibility????  OMG ,,, its 2 minutes,  and 52 seconds,,, so a little delay,or make a light, miss light,,, and it does not line up..... 

I was a bit creeped out.... If you listen close,,,, the beginning sounds like "You can't hurry Love" by the Supreems....

Here it is.......The JAM

the Supreemes...

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