Monday, February 15, 2010

Hey hey,,, HEY !

Mary Fahl was just great at the Crier last night,,, she played alone,,, no band,, just her,, and two Guitars,, one she did not even play.  Started with the "Other Side of Time" followed by a few October Project tune, and a few new ones,, she played Bury my Lovely, and Lenses of Contact, and a song for Haiti, EYES of Mercy, and she sang - Some enchanted Evening,,,,Going home, and Dawning of the day (with her 9/11 dedication lyrics), Ben Aindi Habibi,  The Encore was new song - I am guessing at a title of Everything will be alright, and then she finished with Una furtiva lagrima..... Outstanding stuff,,, Meal was good,, at least mine,, service was horrendous,,,

Back to Ashokan on Sunday,,, One Eagle soared right over our heads,,, very close,,, if I was ready with the Camera - I could have gotten a great shot,, BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....... then  2 Eagles in a tree just across the reservoir,,, very seeable with my  binoculars,,, but I will need a big zoom lens to get pix of them over there.,....  one then came out of the  tree gliding down across the Ice and headed down the Reservoir,,,, an excellent day,,,, seeing the  two eagles really made the day !! Plus a really big Red Tail !! 

Big week,,, lots of work to do at work, and the Daughter arrives at home on Wednesday,,, so  busy, busy, busy,,, oh , and the Rock-man !


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