Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday.... or OMG I am really ILL

Let's get this straight,,,, I do not get sick !   But , seems I am ILL .... same same ???  I guesss,..... I have to sore throat,,, Stuffed head,,,, Sinus headache, wheezy breathing,,, OMG ,, I'm SICK !! This sucks,,, and to top it off,,,, I am so sore after a day of Installing flooring,,, I can barely moe,,, Oh, I know what you are thinkin,,,, This guy is some wussy.... whiner.... baby.girly man.... NO no ,,, I am tough,,,, Can some sing Soft Kitty to me ??

Ok,,,Off to the gym,,, F this cold,,, and then Eagles ate Ashokan,,, trying out my new Camera Lens,,, I will share the pictures , If any are had,,,,

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