Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday - blah

Probably says it all.... just a blah day ,,, got my 5 miles in,... really cold at 6am... woof - like 9 Degrees.... nice and cool...........  it's better than bugs ! Hey listen,, did I tell ya  I am goin to see my Girl Friend tonight ???  I betcha  I didn't....  Really , I am,,, 'cept I am bringing my Wife !!  OMG ! Any way Mary Fahl at teh Town Crier, have  not seen or heard Mary in a long time.... so I am hoping it will be a good night,, a Little Dinner, and a little music .............

Between now and then ... I can only guess.... OH,, remember that it's Valentine's day tomorrow,.... so get your Sweetheart something nice,,,, After 31  years we are stuck at Hallmark Cards..

Going HOME././

It's October Project !! Bury my Lovely

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