Sunday, February 7, 2010

Eagle hunting -

all right.,.,.. relax,,, hunting with my Sony A3,,,, ,,headed to Ashokan ,, with a stop at my Fav place ,,,, The Woodstock Bread Alone,,, and then Tattoo shop ,, to check out my next Tat !!

But listen,,I hear there are a pair of nesting adults,,and perhaps the 2  youngsters from last years brood, hanging near the Spillway,,, They closed that road after the attacks on 9-11... and you have to walk over a mile to get to the point,,  so I am going to check it out, I will certainly post the pictures.

I see the Eagles,,, at Norrie at times, He used to perch in the big ole dead tree up near tha Cabins,,, but since that fell down a year ago,, they hang on the Island South of Norrie,,, and that's madway far,,with my Cheapo Binoculars.

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