15k,,, in 1:19:52 - 11 seconds slower than last year !! 70th of 140 runners,,, No age break out.
so that 8:35 min/mile.,... Not too bad for an Old Man !!
70 Mark Hoban 1:19:52
Good work by AJ last night,,, well,., he could have gone more than 6 , but the walks cost him that... and with a big lead there was no reason to push it.... and what have I been saying ? Wong goes two innings - scoreless,,, he is as ready as it gets.... the rotation is now... CC, AJ, Pettitte, Wong Hughes,,, and JOBA to the pen where he belongs.... Joe Girardi., are you listening ?!?!?!?!?
Not off to a good start - NO water at the GYM !!! SO,, I gotta go Back home to Shower,,, set me back an Hour....
a few for Today....
Happy Birthday John !!
and a Belated 69th Birthday to Levon ....
From the Village Green in Woodstock

1/2 Way HOME
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