Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Enough is enough !!!

The great experiment needs to end,,, I have seen ENOUGH ! We don't need more near 100 pitch over 4 or 5 innings performances.. With an ERA at Essentially 4 (3.97) and a mediocre showing so far,,,, the swagger of the JOBA RULES is gone,,, he is just a so-so pitcher,,, ENOUGH.

Put him back in the pen, to set up for Mo... A great ONE - TWO punch... Let Wang start...- so what he gets lit up ...If he is really shot then you need to get someone.... or use Tomko,,, or Kennedy... or Igawa ! OMG ... But , listen the pen stinks now anyway,,, no one can get guys out consistently,.... If CC, AJ, Pettite, Hughes, and Wang ain't good enough,, then they ain't good enough.... but lets put Joba back where he can RULE !!!

and a shout out to AJ Burnett... IT is time to step up... the pie thing is cute,.... but only if you Pitch better !!

2 and 2 , with a 5.25 ERA , IS NOT WHAT WE ARE PAYING FOR !!!

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