Saturday, May 9, 2009

Let's not get Crazy ....

Nor more than one loss makes a season,, neither so does one Win,, although I will take the WIN over the LOSS........... and even better than AL's homer was Carsten Charles's complete game Shutout,,, that's one way for the pen ,, not to suck...

And OH... Message just in for Swiffer,,,, keep you freakin eye on the pitcher - he is the Guy in the middle of the Diamond with the F'ing BALL !! and Robbie Thompson,,,, what exactly are you talkin to this guy about ?? Hummm - and then nice move pushing him back toward the Bag,,, please , Tshida should have called you out, and let Swiffer stay !

It's a Saturday here .... and it's raining,,, and it spose to keep raining most of the weekend,,, ugh,,, Ok,, we need to get corn, and Wheat to grow as fast as Dandelions,,, OMG,, those bastards can grow like 5 inches over night,,,,

Excellent look this morning girl ,,, as your Boyfriend is pumping gas into a White Nissan,,, ,, you are retching over by the side of the Gas station,,,very Attractive,,,

Real Wrath of God Type stuff,,,,

And let's go with the late Warren Zevon,,,, and "Searchin for a Heart" from Letterman,,,

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