Friday, June 14, 2024

The Latest move

 In their latest move to aide and abet the former POTUS, 

House Republican leaders are privately gauging support for legislation that would let both current and former presidents move a state case to federal courts, four Republicans familiar with the effort confirmed to POLITICO. It already seems dead in the water.

 Republicans have vowed to use their slim majority to avenge former President Donald Trump after he was convicted on 34 felony counts in a Manhattan hush money trial last week. Since that was a conviction on state charges, Trump could not pardon himself even if he’s elected president. But Trump is also facing charges in Georgia, which the legislation would allow him to move to federal court.  ...this from Politico.......  Obviously with the intent that the President "could"in theory ,  pardon him/herself from federal charges that they cannot pardon themselves from State Charges= aka 34 felony convictions. 

Wait -Hold the phone...  !!  I thought you - the GOP - was all over the States Rights thing - and not just recently - for decades and decades....   and now This ???!?!?  and what happened to upholding the Constitution of the United STATES ?!?!?!!?  have y'all forgotten that there is a 10th amendment ?!?!?

The Tenth Amendment's simple language—“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” 

But now - you want to take away the rights of the States to enforce it's own Laws  ?? - 

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