Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Ok - I am not sure who the guy is that said this 1st - but I agree - nearly 100%...

How to FIX Congress...

1st - Term Limits - 2 TERMS - Just like the President - then go back to what ever life you had before...

2 - The Pay of the Congress - Senators and Representatives  are paid the median salary of their constituents - they wanna make more money - then figure out a way that the people YOU represent Make more money. this will guarantee that they understand what the folks they are representing are dealing with 

3 - now this is where we differ..... I think there is benefit to FACE - to - FACE discussion... so tax payer paid travel - on some basis - between their state and Washington DC - say 6 times per year.  other that that we do have ZOOM technogoly and Secure voting to take care of the rest of it. 

4 - NO Overseas travel - there is no reason that a Congress person from Minnesota needs to travel to Paris on government business.  You represent that State- Stay there or D.C.  Wanna go on vacation to France - you do it on your Dime.

5 - so a few of these will free up the Congresspersons time - so there is now a ONE ISSUE BILL only !

no attaching anything other than what the Bill adresses - Want funding for say - Ukraine - then that bill only has that funding - not a bunch pf pork belly stuff that bendfits a state or other BS . 

ONE BILL - ONE ISSUE - One VOTE - it passes or Fails on its own Merit. 

6 - and maybe the most important - ANYTIME - read that again - ANYTIME a member of Congress speaks to the Media , gives speech, comments on any damn thing - it is assumed that THEY ARE UNDER OATH.  and can be held libel for perjury for lying in any and all circumstances.

7 - Now we know of what stocks that Congress trades - Buys and Sells - But I think that once elected - they must divest or place in Blind trust any and all holdings.  Heck we don't trust Congress now -  this would help us in believing that they are not voting on bills based on their personal investments, - oh and same for their families - Spouses , Sons Daughters, Grands, etc,,,,   

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