Wednesday, June 19, 2024

and THAT's the TRUTH ...

A  brilliant propaganda minister, famously told a leader  , “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.” Donald Trump and the MAGA faction of the Republican Party have taken that  advice to heart, and it’s going to make this fall’s election one like we’ve never seen before.

Already they’ve been lying so often and so effectively that nearly all MAGA and maybe all  Republicans, and majorities or near-majorities of Americans, believe:

- that we’re in a recession (we’re in better shape, in most ways, than any time since the 1960s and inflation last month was zero while Ronald Reagan never got it below 4.1% in his entire eight years);
— about crime being up (it’s down dramatically since Trump);
 that “Democrats want elective abortion up to the moment of birth” (none have ever said that);
—  that the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump by “voter fraud”;
—  that the southern border is “wide open”;
— that Social Security is on the verge of bankruptcy and must be saved by privatization or benefits cuts;
— their vicious lie that queer people are pedophiles targeting America’s schoolchildren; and
— their NRA lie that more and more deadly guns will keep our kids safe. BUT you have to go thru a Metal scanner at Fat Nixon rallies cause - wait - I thought more guns made us safer !?!?

OH- that propaganda minister was Joseph Goebbels - and he was advising - Hitler. 

Reference "The Hartman Report" -

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