These people have NO - NONE ZERO - integrity.... and frankly if you are listening to their Bullshit - that ain't news - that is bending the knee and kissing the Ring of FAT Nixon aka - Orange Jesus , aka Pervert Hoover.... This an organization that paid $750 Million to Dominion for lying about election - that ain't news and these people are Just Bull Shit artists.
A week or so ago - it was the Judge in the Case against Dump that was corrupt, the Jury (agreed to by the Defense) that was prejudiced, the DA that was a NEVER Trumper. This is the Weaponization of the justice system blah blah blah - the whole of the Judicial system was against their CULT leader .....waaaaaaa Waaaaaa forever the F-ing Victim.
NOW - when the jury Convicts Hunter Biden - its all above board, the Judge acted correctly - the Jury was upstanding , the System brought justice to the defendant.
Wanna be Journalist - Ingram - on Trump verdict "Soviet style Justice" and Ingraham called it “a disgraceful day for the United States, a day that America may never recover from,”
and today ..she says .the Bidens had escaped accountability for “their sleazy, corrupt conduct” for years but “today, their luck ran out”.
Pirro - “We have seen the criminal justice weaponized to bring down a candidate for president and a former president.”
and on the Hunter Biden verdict, she praised the Delaware jury for “not being intimidated” by the Bidens
Hannity - called it “a conviction without a crime.”
and now this A-hole says.... "Justice is definitely served"
Watters - we’re not going to go down,” he said. “That we’re going to get back up, we’re going to regain our strength, and we’re going to vanquish the evil forces that are destroying this republic. GET THE "WE" - as if the what is suppose to be a news organization - and it does side 100% with the CULT LEADER !!
and now he thinks "he Biden verdict “gave me a little boost of confidence in the American legal system”.
You cannot have it both ways.... you cannot condemn the system when your BUTT BOY gets convicted and turn around and praise the same system when who you view as your enemy also gets convicted by the same system .
and one more thing - While I do not speak for all the folks on the Left - I can say , I don't care if the POTUS son is convicted. If he committed the crime - then he needs to be held to account - thats it . No screaming about the Judge, the Jury, the DA, the system. its called JUSTICE! Wake up and see that this organization that claims to be a NEWS organization is no more than ass kissing , and pandering to a CULT LEADER that is looking to promote himself and they (along with Trump) have NO interest in Truth or Justice.
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