Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fait Accompli

Fait Accompli: This week the Supreme Court - this is the Court with the Bought off Judge Thomas and insurrectionist Alito , and the other LIARS that testified Before Congress that certain judgements by the Court were "Super precedences" and there was not reason to retry those cases or Overturn those decisions...aka Roe v. Wade , etc.. First - the court legalized political bribery (i wonder why they did that ??) So that if the Person recieving the "gratuity" Got the payoff AFTER the act- that was OK - it was just bribery if they recieved it Before.....See also - Clarence Thomas's and Alito's Million dollar vacations, paid-off mortgages, and their close friendship to the Koch (said coke if ya aren't aware) Brothers. They ruled that Homeless people were criminals and could be Banned and Ticketed for living on the street - even if shelters were full and not available for them, and that DID NOT constitute Cruel and unusal punishment. YEA - that. However - IF you attacked The Capitol building as part of a MOB that committed violence to stop the Peaceful trasnfer of Power - you should not be held accountable for Obstruction. Yea - Just show up in Tactical Gear, build a Gallows, have Zip tie handcuffs with you , assault/kill police officers , Chant "Hang Mike Pence " you did not mean to obstruct the proceeding.... Then remove all Federal Agencies power over their own regulations and hand it to Multibillion dollar Corporations and Judges who have NO Expertise about the subjects and those Corporations will now bring every lawsuit imaginable as a way to not comply to those regulations. Drive those cases to the Supreme Court - where - waiting for them will be all the Judges that they BOUGHT and Paid for - What could go wrong ? And when - on Monday - the Court grants Fat Nixon immunity from all his crimes that he committed while President - it will be a Fait Accompli - Congratulations - your Children and Grandchildren will look back at these decisions and wonder how did it all happen - Right before our eyes, with the support of people who swore to protect the Constitution instead of shredding it..... and by the time you realize what has happened. TOO LATE !

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Ok - I am not sure who the guy is that said this 1st - but I agree - nearly 100%...

How to FIX Congress...

1st - Term Limits - 2 TERMS - Just like the President - then go back to what ever life you had before...

2 - The Pay of the Congress - Senators and Representatives  are paid the median salary of their constituents - they wanna make more money - then figure out a way that the people YOU represent Make more money. this will guarantee that they understand what the folks they are representing are dealing with 

3 - now this is where we differ..... I think there is benefit to FACE - to - FACE discussion... so tax payer paid travel - on some basis - between their state and Washington DC - say 6 times per year.  other that that we do have ZOOM technogoly and Secure voting to take care of the rest of it. 

4 - NO Overseas travel - there is no reason that a Congress person from Minnesota needs to travel to Paris on government business.  You represent that State- Stay there or D.C.  Wanna go on vacation to France - you do it on your Dime.

5 - so a few of these will free up the Congresspersons time - so there is now a ONE ISSUE BILL only !

no attaching anything other than what the Bill adresses - Want funding for say - Ukraine - then that bill only has that funding - not a bunch pf pork belly stuff that bendfits a state or other BS . 

ONE BILL - ONE ISSUE - One VOTE - it passes or Fails on its own Merit. 

6 - and maybe the most important - ANYTIME - read that again - ANYTIME a member of Congress speaks to the Media , gives speech, comments on any damn thing - it is assumed that THEY ARE UNDER OATH.  and can be held libel for perjury for lying in any and all circumstances.

7 - Now we know of what stocks that Congress trades - Buys and Sells - But I think that once elected - they must divest or place in Blind trust any and all holdings.  Heck we don't trust Congress now -  this would help us in believing that they are not voting on bills based on their personal investments, - oh and same for their families - Spouses , Sons Daughters, Grands, etc,,,,   

Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's Debatable

 Or it will be this week on June 27th....  Now - I have heard from several sources - and while  I do not watch asecond of FOX entertainment,  yes their sources also that trump has said that the Debate is Rigged - WOW - now thats surprising ... RIGGED - he has never used that word before (see Sarcasm).

Why ?  You would ask - 

- It's on CNN

- It's with CNN hosts, Tapper and Bash

- There is no opening statement

- Microphones will be muted when it is not that persons trun to speak

- There is NO audience .

- the Format is for a 2 minute answer and a one minute rebuttal. 

 and oh - Biden will be drugged up for the debate. 

Both Candidates and/or their Representatives had to agree to that format . BUT - IT's RIGGED - and he has stated there is no way for him to win - although I GUARANTEE  - Guarantee - that regardless of what happens or is said - that Fat Nixon will say - that he WON ...

Pervert Hoover has criticized Biden for preparing for the debate - although he (Trump) has been meeting with his advisors and using Mock debate questions in those conversations..  Aside from what Dump is doing flying around the country - holding rallies, shitting himself - Biden has some other responsibilities. 

------  What Question(s)  would I like to hear answered  ?? cause stop asking about accepting the elections results,- we know that answer...

 Q1.   On day #1 of the new Term - Jan 20th 2025 - what will be the  top 3 Items on the agenda for each candidate.? 

Q2.  Specifically  - what are their actions to lower inflation - and reduce prices on Food , Gas , Energy overall ? . specific actions - not rambling BS. 

Q3.  What country do they see as the greatest threat to America and why ? - what would they do  to decrease that threat. 

Q4.   Do they see Medicare and Social Security as programs that need to be overhauled / Maybe Privatized  ?? 

Ok - so pop your popcorn and get ready for the Greatest Show on Earth !! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

and THAT's the TRUTH ...

A  brilliant propaganda minister, famously told a leader  , “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.” Donald Trump and the MAGA faction of the Republican Party have taken that  advice to heart, and it’s going to make this fall’s election one like we’ve never seen before.

Already they’ve been lying so often and so effectively that nearly all MAGA and maybe all  Republicans, and majorities or near-majorities of Americans, believe:

- that we’re in a recession (we’re in better shape, in most ways, than any time since the 1960s and inflation last month was zero while Ronald Reagan never got it below 4.1% in his entire eight years);
— about crime being up (it’s down dramatically since Trump);
 that “Democrats want elective abortion up to the moment of birth” (none have ever said that);
—  that the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump by “voter fraud”;
—  that the southern border is “wide open”;
— that Social Security is on the verge of bankruptcy and must be saved by privatization or benefits cuts;
— their vicious lie that queer people are pedophiles targeting America’s schoolchildren; and
— their NRA lie that more and more deadly guns will keep our kids safe. BUT you have to go thru a Metal scanner at Fat Nixon rallies cause - wait - I thought more guns made us safer !?!?

OH- that propaganda minister was Joseph Goebbels - and he was advising - Hitler. 

Reference "The Hartman Report" -

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Latest move

 In their latest move to aide and abet the former POTUS, 

House Republican leaders are privately gauging support for legislation that would let both current and former presidents move a state case to federal courts, four Republicans familiar with the effort confirmed to POLITICO. It already seems dead in the water.

 Republicans have vowed to use their slim majority to avenge former President Donald Trump after he was convicted on 34 felony counts in a Manhattan hush money trial last week. Since that was a conviction on state charges, Trump could not pardon himself even if he’s elected president. But Trump is also facing charges in Georgia, which the legislation would allow him to move to federal court.  ...this from Politico.......  Obviously with the intent that the President "could"in theory ,  pardon him/herself from federal charges that they cannot pardon themselves from State Charges= aka 34 felony convictions. 

Wait -Hold the phone...  !!  I thought you - the GOP - was all over the States Rights thing - and not just recently - for decades and decades....   and now This ???!?!?  and what happened to upholding the Constitution of the United STATES ?!?!?!!?  have y'all forgotten that there is a 10th amendment ?!?!?

The Tenth Amendment's simple language—“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” 

But now - you want to take away the rights of the States to enforce it's own Laws  ?? - 

Above the LAW

 I guess that the old adage that no one is above the LAW does not apply in the United states anymore. 

ONE person is above the LAW.    FAT NIXON...   His Supreme court  justices that have been bought and paid for either by him or by MEGA MAGA Donors have managed to delay delay delay the Trials of FAT NIXON to the point that even of they rule today that the POTUS doe snot have absolute immunity  - they have achieved the goal of pushing back the  remaining trials of Dump  until after the election.

Does not matter which or which ONES have been responsible for this... ALITO, THOMAS, ROBERTS, etc,... it's Fete Accompli.    

And let us remember that it was Jack Smith - I think this past December that asked the court to rule on the Immunity issue 

"This case presents a fundamental question at the heart of our democracy: whether a former President is absolutely immune from federal prosecution for crimes committed while in office,"   From Jack Smith on December 11th....   DECEMBER 11th  - and even though they kicked it back and forth for a bit .... on February 28th the Court says they will rule on the Immunity issue - so even if you want to say Feb 28 - that damn near 4 months ago .   and lest we forget that the Supreme court took less then 3 weeks to decide the  Nixon Tape case   back in the 1970's  - With the unanimous decision being rendered by Chief Justice Warren Burger.

SO - Congratulations Justices !!!   You have managed to allow a now Convicted Felon to Delay delay delay - the cases of  Fat Nixon/PervertHoover/Orange Jesus - 

"Justice delayed is justice denied"

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

NO integrity

 These people have NO  - NONE ZERO - integrity....  and frankly if you are listening to their Bullshit - that ain't news - that is bending the knee and kissing the Ring of FAT Nixon aka - Orange Jesus , aka Pervert Hoover.... This an organization that paid $750 Million to Dominion for lying about election - that ain't news and these people are Just Bull Shit artists.

A week or so ago - it was the Judge in the Case against Dump that was corrupt, the Jury (agreed to by the Defense) that was prejudiced, the DA that was a NEVER Trumper.  This is the Weaponization of the justice system blah blah blah - the whole of the Judicial system was against their CULT leader .....waaaaaaa Waaaaaa  forever the F-ing Victim. 

NOW - when the jury Convicts Hunter Biden - its all above board, the Judge acted correctly - the Jury was upstanding , the System brought justice to the defendant. 

Wanna be Journalist - Ingram - on Trump verdict "Soviet style Justice" and Ingraham called it “a disgraceful day for the United States, a day that America may never recover from,”

and today ..she says .the Bidens had escaped accountability for “their sleazy, corrupt conduct” for years but “today, their luck ran out”.

Pirro - “We have seen the criminal justice weaponized to bring down a candidate for president and a former president.”

and on the Hunter Biden verdict, she praised the Delaware jury for “not being intimidated” by the Bidens

Hannity - called it “a conviction without a crime.”

and now this A-hole says.... "Justice is definitely served"

Watters - we’re not going to go down,” he said. “That we’re going to get back up, we’re going to regain our strength, and we’re going to vanquish the evil forces that are destroying this republic.  GET THE "WE" - as if the what is suppose to be a news organization - and it does side 100% with the CULT LEADER !!

and now  he thinks "he Biden verdict “gave me a little boost of confidence in the American legal system”.

You cannot have it both ways.... you cannot condemn the system when your BUTT BOY gets convicted and turn around and praise the same system when who you view as your enemy also gets convicted by the same system . 

and one more thing - While I do not speak for all the folks on the Left - I can say , I don't care if the POTUS son is convicted. If he committed the crime - then he needs to be held to account - thats it . No screaming about the Judge, the Jury, the DA, the system. its called JUSTICE!  Wake up and see that this organization that claims to be a NEWS organization is no more than ass kissing , and pandering to a CULT LEADER that is looking to promote himself and they (along with Trump)  have NO interest in Truth or Justice. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

What should bother us all

 It's not that Trum is the first defendant that was found guilty that thought they were innovent - aka - NOT Guilty....  for me - it's the attack on the system that bothers me.

That the Judge is corrupt - that the Jury was biased against him,, that the DA - Was out to get him. that the DOJ as a whole is weaponized against him. that the POTUS is out to get all his political rivals, and that this is all election interference. 

That is what should bother us all... and all this Bullshit that IF  "they" can do it to him "they" can do it you...  That's crap = I have committed no crime,...  I have no run afoul of the law.... "THEY" could not do it to me nor could they do it to millions upon millions of law abiding citizens...

Trump has spent a lifetime walking the line between Right and Wrong,,, Legal and Illegal - he has been on court more than most having to defend himself against many charges , Civil and Criminal - and ONLY now is being held to account for it... and I say DAMN WELL ABOUT TIME...... 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

 Like the NY Times Game CONNECTIONS - Find Today's CONNECTION.

-  34 Felony convictions = The New York Court is RIGGED against me

- 34 Inditement's in NY State - the NY DA is RIGGED against me..

- Lost the Iowa Caucuses and the Wisconsin Primary - THE GOP primary is RIGGED Against me

- Trump University is Sued for Fraud - THAT court and Federal Judge is RIGGED against me.

- Did not get an EMMY for his TV show - The EMMY's were RIGGED against me.

- The Muller probe - was RIGGED against me.

- Did not get a Nobel peace prize - the Nobel Committee was RIGGED against me.

- Internet Google  Searches - Are RIGGED against me.

- Political poles that show him behind ANY candidate - The Poles are RIGGED Against me.

I know  its difficult ,     Any Guesses ??