Saturday, August 13, 2022

You chose

 ok - so you chose as to which  agency is so far up Trump's ass , they no longer can see daylight,,

and which is actual News reporting....   and remember that Hitler and Mussolini both discredited and the shutdown all but the State run News agencies..

2) Trump targeted  : a look at investigations Involving the former President. 

Let's be fucking serious,,,, that you have been screaming for days, about what could possibly be taken in the  FBI Search of his residence.
Then when it comes out - from the official Warrant - that it was Classified , Secret and Top secret documents, ,some of the materials recovered were marked as “top secret/SCI” – one of the highest levels of classification. that he had.... (and I believe was sharing with our enemies) Your entertainment agency does not even mention that on your page !!  BUT you run a story about Hunter Biden - right below the Dump story - your agency is pathetic ...
and BTW -  if that Piece of Shit decides he is not running in 2024 ,,,, YOU will be no longer relevant.

He should be indicted , Arrested and charged with Obstruction of Justice, Violation of the Espionage act

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