Saturday, August 20, 2022

Useful G-Mail hack

 I see that there are always suggestions to improve things in you WEB Browser -or your Email...  Buy - I found ONE that actually worked....

I set up a mail filter in GMAIL that directs Email that is not from an actual person to a different Label (folder) so that I can easily delete it - or you can just delete it ...

You set up the mail filter to look for the word - "Unsubscribe" - not quotation marks...  and then send it to what ever Label/Folder you wish - so that all that crap that comes to your in box form companies it filtered out -because for what ever reason they all include that word (unsubscribe ) in their email somewhere ,....and WHOOSH - Your G-Mail inbox is only for email mails that come  from an Actual person !!

It Actually works !!

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