Wednesday, August 10, 2022

What I hear

 I have heard and read - that the Radical right wants to Defund and cancel the F.B.I. - THE FBI ..

#1 - I thought they were for Law and order

#2 - what about being against what they Call "Cancel Culture"

#3 - they do realize that the Head of the FBI - Christopher Wray - was appointed by ..... Trump

#4 - In that Dump was the one that broke the story about the FBI serving a Warrant at MaraLoco... they can release a Copy of that Warrant - Can't they... and BTW - the FBI has to document what was it that they removed from the residence under the Warrant.  SO let's see it ! OR would that change their narrative? 

#5 - Yes - this in unprecedented - as Dump is Presidential. 

#6 - Listen to what the THEY are saying,.... do you hear anyone saying that they found nothing ??  That they removed nothing ??  That there were no records in Dumps possession that should have never been removed from the White House. and then after further discussion should have been RETURNED, - noooooooo  they are attacking the FBI - the ones that and I would 100% bet had their eyes dotted and Tees crossed (Hannity said it ASS backwards - as he is an  a$$) That they swore out this warrant - as to be very specific - as to be working with the National Archives - where all presidential records need to go, that they then convinced a Federal Judge that there was evidence of a Crime, and that they then took the evidence of that crime from the residence..  That they were 100000% sure of what they were doing,, and I wonder who it is on the "Inside" as they say that is giving the FBI information... ??? hummmmm

#7 - As far as Hillary's emails,,, the FBI and DOJ investigated those claims, and found - yes there were documents on a personal server, but they declined to prosecute, and oh BTW - Hillary Testified on those emails and the Bengazy tragedy for over 10 hours before an over-sight committee... and not once did she invoke the 5th amendment.

And I get a big laugh out of Congressmen saying that they want a Complete Congressional review of this,,, when they were and are the ones that are blocking the January 6th committee - that are doing a complete review of that !!


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